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One Month Later

Yuna's POV

Life at my new class is actually great. It's all the way on the other side of the school building as my old class room and I don't see Yujin and Ryujin anymore but it's fine. I text them often but I haven't really met them in a while. Haewon and Sullyoon are also pretty sweet. They've become like my best friends and we're all very close. Sunoo is also really fun to be around; he's like a sunshine and Jay and Jake act as his sunshine protectors. I'm still not that close to any of the other students in the class but I've learnt some of their names, so that's progress.

Looking back, since Ryujin and Yujin were also introverts, the three of us usually stuck together and avoided conversation. Now, I feel like I've been adopted by extroverts, namely Haewon and Sunoo with another adopted sister Sullyoon. That's a perfect way to sum everything up.

"Yunaaaaa! Aren't you bored just staring into space like that?", Sunoo said, really loudly.

"I was just thinking of something", I replied, "what'd I miss?".

"We were just talking about the annual school carnival that's gonna take place soon", Haewon answered.

I've heard of it, but never really attended it. Every year I would just skip it and stay at home, reading, eating and sleeping.

"Oh yeah! I'm gonna skip it", I said.

Haewon and Sunoo looked at each other and said, "No way" "Nuh uh", at the same time.

"Yuna, please come, I need help for my stall. I'm gonna be selling baked goods and Haewon is gonna do face painting", Sullyoon said. I wanted to say no but you can't say no to a person like Sullyoon, it's impossible.

"Okay fine", I said, giving in.

"Yes!", Sunoo said.

"Sullyoon, you're the best", Haewon said. Sullyoon just laughed.

"What are you guys talking about?", Jake asked, as he and Jake walked in with Sunghoon behind them. That reminds me, I haven't talked to Sunghoon yet even though he's part of the friend group. He's even more introverted than Sullyoon.

"Just the school carnival that's coming up", Sunoo answered.

"Sullyoon, you're gonna give us your world class brownies this time too, right?", Jay asked.

"You'll have to pay just like everybody else, all of you", she answered and all hell broke loose.

"No fair", Sunoo said.

"Sullyoon, I'm helping you with your stall. That's gotta be an exception", Haewon said.

"That's mean, Sullyoon", Jay said.

"I thought we were friends", Jake added.

"The only one getting free food will be Yuna because she hasn't tried it yet", Sullyoon answered and turned away from all of us while covering her ears.

Then they all turned to me.
"Oh, hell nah", I said.

"But Yuna-", Sunoo started whining but I cut him off, " you heard Sullyoon, besides, since all of you are reacting like the world is ending, I assume that the brownies are awesome".

"I swear, all the Yoonas or Yunas whatever are just cruel", Jake said.

"That's the truest thing you have ever said", Haewon agreed.

Sullyoon and I just laughed at it.

"You're not lying, right?", Sullyoon asked, "because giving brownies to them is dangerous".

"If that's the case, I won't, I promise", I told her.

Soon Mr Han came into the classroom. Class is starting now.


It's lunch break and I already had my lunch so I'm headed to the library. There's a book series that I've been reading for a while.

I entered the library and Mrs Song was in there.

"Yuna, you're back?", she said.

"Of course, this is my favourite place in the school", I answered.

"I appreciate that you love reading but don't you have school works and other stuff?", she questioned.

"Ehhh", I responded, "I'm planning on choosing the library for my volunteer hours".

"Well if you do, I'd like that. You know this library as well as I do", she said.

"Am I really here that often?", I asked, laughing.

"Yes, you are", she answered, "the book you wanted has been returned, by the way".

"Okay, thanks", I said, and walked to my favorite part of the library. The Fiction Section.

As I went, I found the book I really wanted. I grabbed it and started reading it on the way when I bumped into someone. Both our books fell down and it was such a coincidence.

He has the sequel of the book that I was going to read. I picked up my book and saw that the person was actually someone I knew.

The universe really is funny.


Second chapter is out
I apologize that it's short
School is killing me
I'm pretty sure y'all know who the person is
The book they bond over will be revealed in the next chapter

Hope you guys enjoy this story
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