6. Ⓕⓞⓞⓓ, Ⓕⓞⓞⓓ Ⓐⓝⓓ Ⓜⓞⓡⓔ Ⓕⓞⓞⓓ

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Yuna's POV

When I woke up in the morning, I woke up to the smell of pancakes and waffles and eggs and bacon maybe. I looked around and saw that Haewon wasn't in the room and Sullyoon was still asleep. She looks so cute when she's asleep.

I went to the bathroom to wash my face and damn even her bathroom is beautiful. It's bigger than my room too. I'm not jealous, I'm not judging her wealth, this is all just new for me.

I headed to the kitchen soon after when I saw Haewon scarfing down tons of food.

"Good morning!", she said.

"Morning! Did you make all this?", I asked.

"Nah, it was the cook", she answered.

"She has a cook too?", I muttered silently while eating the pancakes but I guess Haewon heard me.

"Yeah, along with the 100 maids, butler, housekeeper and chauffeurs", Haewon said and I was just in shock.

"I'm kidding", she said. "It's just the cook, housekeeper and two chauffeurs", she added.

"That's still a lot", I said.

"Sullyoon's mom is hardly home, she's an only child so the chauffeur is for the two of them, the chef because her mom hardly has time to cook and the housekeeper because this house is huge, you think Sullyoon can keep it clean on her own", Haewon explained.

"What about your house?", I asked.

"Earlier, we had a chore chart but since my siblings have left the house, usually it's my job. We have a special caretaker for my sister. My cousin is staying with us for a while so we share responsibilities. I left her to do all the chores yesterday", she answered.

"What do your parents do?", I asked.

"My mom's a doctor and my dad is a professor at the university", she answered.

We talked some more and Sullyoon walked in.

"Good morning guys", she said.

"Morning, sleeping beauty", Haewon said which caused us to laugh.

"Shouldn't we go and set up the booth and stuff?", I asked.

"Don't worry, I asked the guys to start setting it up", Haewon informed.

"What's the catch?", Sullyoon asked.

"Free food", Haewon answered.

"What?! They're gonana scarf down my brownies", Sullyoon said.

"All they said was free food, they didn't specify what. We could give them food waste for free", Haewon said with a smirk. Props to her. Sullyoon started laughing.

"Haewon, have I ever yold you that I love the way you think?", I said, laughing along.

"Maybe once, I don't keep count", Haewon said, flipping her hair.

"Lets just take the leftover pancakes for them, there's too much for us", Sullyoon said.

"My idea was better but okay", Haewon said.

We got dressed and damn Sullyoon's closet is as big as the apartment me and my mom live in. I'm taller than her but she somehow has clothes my size.

"Sullyoon, how?", I questioned.

"Gifts from others for my mom. I'm kept out of the public eye but it's known that she has a daughter so some people end up sending me clothes that are sometimes too small or big for me", she answered.

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