11. Ⓗⓘⓜ

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•One Month Later•

Yuna POV

Exams are over
I'm so happy, I could burst
Exams are over!!

I scribbled down the haiku because I had just started reading the first book the Trials of Apollo series. A whole month without reading the book, was pure torture.

We had a break right after the exams so it had tons of plans. Watch kdramas, finish all my pending books, get some sleep because I slept for a total of two hours per day during the exams, and so much more. I also kept making false promises. I'm not going to procrastinate, I'll study beforehand. I kept reminding myself.

It was raining and I was playing Moon River by Audrey Hepburn and it was just so peaceful. This is the life. I thought. It was so aesthetic. Then it was ruined by a notification from my phone which was kept at an extremely high volume. It was a text from Sunghoon.

Spoiler King

R u reading TOA

Don't spoil anything
Don't disturb me either

Will u have some free time later


Wanna meet up?





I have tons to do
Read, sleep, read, sleep

It will just be half an hour

When and where?

Book Cafe
At 3?



God! This guy.

I'll just sleep for now.

•Time Skip•

I woke up after my nap and saw that it was already 2:45. Shit! I cursed because it would be late even if I got out of the house now. I decided to text Sunghoon and tell him I would be a little late.


Spoiler King

Hey Hoon
I'll be a bit late
I overslept hehe😅


Then I got dressed as quickly as possible and fixed my ragged hair and my drool filled face. I know, I know, TMI. Then, I told my mom that I was going out. I had the Trials Of Apollo book in my bag and went out. By then, it was way past three. I got on a cab and gave the driver the address. I checked my phone and Sunghoon had replied.


Spoiler King

Then you're paying


It's past three now

Then I won't eat anything
and neither will you

𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚁𝚎𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚎𝚍 𝙼𝚎Where stories live. Discover now