13. Ⓢⓘⓒⓚ

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Yuna's POV

Dinner was over and me and Sunghoon decided to watch some shows. I was unsure of what to watch but after much deliberation we just decided to watch Tiktok compilations of Percy Jackson. Don't even ask.

"Yasss!!! Rachel Elizabeth Dare is a queen", I yelled.

"Do you have to be so loud?", Sunghoon said.

"Yuna! Sunghoon's right. Keep it down", my mom scolded from her room. She loves Sunghoon and has even asked on multiple occasions if I plan on dating him. This crazy woman.

"Anyway, it's weird, isn't it? Her initials are RED", I said to Sunghoon.

"Yeah, I guess. Not as weird as Reyna's. Hers is RARA", he added. I laughed but it soon turned into a sneeze.

"Are you catching a cold?", he asked.

"No", I answered, "it was just a sneeze". But then I kept sneezing and started shivering.

"Yep, you're sick", he said and called my mom.

"You idiot. You know you get sick easily but decided to walk in the rain, honestly", my mom scolded as she came out.

In five minutes, I was in full bed rest and Sunghoon sat next to me reading The Trials of Apollo: The Hidden Oracle. He's the best.

I closed my eyes as he read the book to me, his voice was so soft and peaceful. I loved listening to it. I opened my eyes, and though the view was blurry, there sat the handsomest guy ever. Yuna? Are you falling for him? No way! No! No! No! He's annoying, he spoils all the books you read, he's extremely cheesy and he's so bad at flirting. No! I'm just sick and my mind is playing tricks on me. Besides, are you doing this the day you see Hyuka? No way.

I was so alarmed by my thoughts that even Sunghoon noticed it.

"Yuna? Did something happen? Is something wrong?", he asked.

"No, I just got distracted, could you start over, hehe?", I requested.

"Fine, but only because you're sick", he said and started to read again.

I tried to focus on the story but I couldn't, I was practically just wasting his time but I didn't want him to stop. All of a sudden, his voice was like music. His face was the most beautiful thing ever. His presence filled me up with so much happiness. All I wanted was to be in this moment forever.

What the fuck is going on? Why now of all times?

I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep. I wanted him next to me but I wanted him gone and I couldn't understand why.

"Yuna?", I heard Sunghoon say. He nudged me but I didn't move.

"Rest well, Yuna. Good night and sweet dreams", he said and fixed the bed covers. He turned off the lights and walked out of the room.

He's just the best. And here I am, unsure of whether I have feelings for him or for Hyuka. Shin Yuna, you should just die. You don't deserve either of them.

Sunghoon's POV

Yuna fell asleep so I stopped reading. I turned off the lights and walked out. I remembered how she looked when she was sleeping, ethereal. I fell deep and I fell hard, and I don't think I'll be getting out any time soon. Then I remembered her friend, Huening Kamal Kai, Hyuka. Her face when she talked about him, when she saw him. I couldn't pinpoint it but I was sure she had feelings for him.

"Is Yuna asleep?", Yuna's mom asked as I walked out.

"Yep", I answered. Then there was an awkward silence

"Thank you", she said suddenly.

"Umm what for?"

"For being such a good friend to Yuna"

"That's nothing, if anything she's been a good friend to me. I should be thanking you and her", I said and it was true. I could not imagine a life without Yuna.

"I didn't even expect her to look at a guy", her mom muttered.

"Is it because of that guy, Huening Kai?", I asked.

"You know about that? She trusts you that much?", she was shocked.

"Actually we saw him today, she got a type of panic attack and that's also why she wanted to walk in the rain", I explained.

"Ahh", she nodded, "Sunghoon, I know you like my daughter and I have an inkling that she likes you too but her history with Kai might get her confused. I'm rooting for you", she added.

Shit! How does she know? Am I that obvious? At least I have her blessing.

"Okay, thank you", I mumbled out awkwardly.

"Okay, now go to sleep. It's late and I'm scared that you'll get sick too", she said and went to her room. Yuna had actually planned on sleeping in the living room couch with me like a sleepover or something because they didn't have a spare room but her mom forced her to sleep in her own room because her vold might spread to me.

"Good night", I said to her.

"Good night", she replied.

I got ready for bed and used my phone for a while still unable to push away the thoughts of Yuna, Huening Kai and everything that Yuna's mom just said. I sneezed and coughed out of nowhere.

It's like the world just doesn't want to give me peace. I mentally screamed. I was going to ask her out today and here I am in her living room couch about to catch a cold.

I'll just ask her out when she and I are no longer ill. Please don't reject me, Yuna.


Has my writing style changed? I feel like it has
Hope you guys are enjoying the book
Your reads, votes and comments make my day


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