18. Ⓞⓕⓕⓘⓒⓘⓐⓛ

113 8 22

Yuna's POV

I opened my eyes to see nothing but white walls. My first thought was, Where am I?. I couldn't remember anything, then I turned my head and saw my boyfriend. That sounds so nice, my boyfriend. I couldn't believe it, I was no longer a single person who'll be jealous of all those couples.

"You're awake", Sunghoon stated. Like duh! He's still an annoying idiot but he's my annoying idiot. Okay, I'm cringing myself out.

"Yep", I smiled.

"What is wrong with you? The doctor said you walked around when you should have been in bed, you ate ice cream while you had a cold and you were extremely dehydrated, it was no surprise you passed out in the middle of the street", he scolded.

"Okay, I'm sorry. But if I hadn't gone with Hyuka, I wouldn't have been able to spend time with him before he left again and I wanted to see you", I explained.

The anger in his face subsided and he simply sighed. "Okay, but don't do thay again, I was worried sick".

"Aww, I made my boyfriend worry. I'm sorry", I teased.

"Do you wanna break up right now?", he asked, teasingly.

"No, I don't want my first relationship to end after a few hours", I said.

"What? Not because you like me but because the duration of your first relationship is important?", he questioned.

"You didn't let me finish", I said, "and because I like you a lot".

"OKAY! HOLD UP! WHAT'S GOING ON HERE? YOU GUYS ARE DATING?", Haewon yelled as she barged into the room.

"What is she doing here?", I asked Sunghoon in a whisper.

"She came here for her sister's treatment and saw me bring you in", he answered, "so she said she'll come and check on you when she gets time".

"Umm, hello?! You guys haven't answered my question yet. Are you just going to ignore it?", Haewon asked, looking as impatient and annoyed as ever.

"Yes, we're dating. Now has anyone ever told you thay eavesdropping on people's conversations is not a good thing?", I answered her.

"I know, right? God, Haewon, have some manners", Sunghoon jokingly agreed.

"I didn't mean to. I just overheard it when I was about to enter", she said, "now how did it all happen?".

"A few hours we confessed and I asked her to be my girlfriend", Sunghoon answered.

"Is that it? Y'all are so plain and boring", she said.

"What can I say? It's not a riveting story-like romance I've always dreamed of but it's perfect", I said. Damn, did those words come out of my mouth?

"Wow, Yuna. You're in love", Haewon teased.

"Get outta here, bish. I wanna go home", I said.

"Yeah, this is just the ER. The doctor said we could leave after you wake up", Sunghoon informed.

"Okay", I said. We informed the nurses, paid at the checkout desk and left for my home. (A/N: wtf am I even writing?)

•Time Skip•

I bid Sunghoon farewell after he dropped me off at home. My mom was still at work so it was just me. I didn't know what to do so I just fished out my phone out of my bag and decided to text Hyuka. Maybe he was still in the plane or he had reached but I didn't know so I wanted to text him.


Have u landed?

Hyuka is typing...

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