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Yuna's POV

"Hey! Did you do the homework?", Yujin asked Ryujin, who just shrugged.

"You do know that's half your grade, right", she said.

"You know Yujin, the thing is, our teacher gave us a homework and I didn't want to do it and so I didn't ", Ryijin said, "besides, homework less than a week after school starts? That's stupid and cruel". Yujin just looked at her with the most exhasperated look ever.

"You know what, you're hopeless ", she sighed. Then she turned to me

"Yuna, have you done the homework?", she asked me.

"I submitted it last week", I simply replied.

"What?!", Ryujin exclaimed, "we got that homework on Friday. It's Monday and Saturday was a holiday. When did you even submit it?".

"Easy. On our free period, instead of going to the gymnasium or the cafeteria I went to the Library but Mrs Song was out sick and the Library was closed so I was bored and decided to do the homework, it was easy and so I finished in about 20 minutes. Then, I submitted it to our teacher during lunch", I said and Ryujin looked at me like I was an alien.

"Of course you did that", Yujin said, "Ryujin, you have an entire period before the teacher comes in, you could do it now. I'll wait ".

"Yeah, I know. I'm doing it", she said, and before you know it she was leaving through the papers in Yujin's desk, collecting material and then started typing into her phone.

The thing about Ryujin is that she hasn't worked hard in her life. She easily gets good grades and aces her tests without studying. She's also good at sports and having rich parents have also played an upper hand in her somewhat perfect life. Yujin on the other hand, is the type of people who is extremely hard working, responsible and by the books. A model student and is friends with everyone. The two of them are opposites but each help in balancing out each other. Yujin stops Ryujin from slacking off too much and makes sure that she doesn't get into trouble. Ryujin gets Yujin to ease out and have fun.

Then there's me, I spend most of my time in the Library and I don't know any of my classmates except them. I either procrastinate too much or work too hard. There's no in between. My cousins and relatives say that I've become way more introverted and that's true because I closed off my friendly side a long time ago.

Our homeroom teacher Miss Kim walked in and everyone scurried to their desks. Another usual day at school will commence. I looked over at Ryujin who seems to be done typing and now, all she has to do is go to the student's office and print it out. I would love to see her excuse for this. I thought Miss Kim would start attendance but she didn't. Instead she called me up to her desk and my heart was racing.

What happened? Am I in trouble? But I didn't do anythng.

She handed me a sheet of paper. "That's your new classroom and schedule. You're switching classes. Such a shame, I would have loved having you as my student", she said as I took the paper from her. I was confused, but I sort of expected it. I was the only one in my grade who opted for the advanced classes. I didn't want to but I did for my mom.

"Miss Kim", Ryujin said, raising her hand, "can I accompany Yuna to her new classroom? I also have to stop at the Student's Office".

"Okay, Ryujin but why the Student's Office?", Miss Kim questioned.

"I have to collect some forms", Ryujin answered. I've always admired her lying skills.

"Okay then. Yuna, you can collect your stuff. I'm pretty sure everyone will miss you", Miss Kim said.

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