7. Ⓢⓞⓛⓓ Ⓞⓤⓣ

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Yuna POV

It's been two hours since the carnival was declared open and Sullyoon's store is sold out, Haewon and I are out of face paint and the only thing left is the guys' gaming and photo booth and they're too tired to carry on. I thought that it was because of the fact that the face of our store was Sullyoon and the fact that Jay, Jake, Sunghoon and Sunoo are like the hearththrobs in our school. Me and Haewon were just in the background watching all their fans line up like ants at a picnic.

"Yuna!", I heard Ryujin say. She was with her date and that turned out to be the Beomgyu guy who teased me and Sunghoon.

"Ryujin, it's been so long", I said giving her a hug.

"I wanted to come here earlier but the line was so long", she said.

"Nah, that's okay. We're closing up now", I informed.

"Okay then, this is Beomgyu. I think you guys are classmates", she said.

"Yeah, we are", I answered, while greeting Beomgyu.

"But she never talks to me. She's always with her own group of friends", Beomgyu said to Ryujin.

"Yuna's very reclusive like me", Ryujin informed him giving him a slap on his shoulder, "by the way, are these your friends?", she asked looking at Sullyoon, Haewon and the others.

"Yeah, that's Haewon and that's Sullyoon and that's Sunoo and that's Jay and that's Sunghoon and that's Jake", I said gesturing to each one of them.

"Hey!", "Hi", "Nice to meet you", were the various replies.

"Hi everyone, keep Yuna out of trouble okay, and she's very boring but don't abandon her either", she said. "Bye Yuna", she turned to me and left with Beomgyu.

"Who was that?", Haewon asked.

"Her name's Ryujin. She was one of my best friends before I left my old class", I answered.

"Ohh okay, well we're headed to the haunted house that's opening soon, you wanna come with?", Haewon asked.

"Yeah sure", I said. When we reached the haunted house, Sullyoon and Sunoo said they didn't wanna go and would rather check the other stalls. Jay said that he wanted to accompany them and so it was just me, Haewon, Sunghoon and Jake who were going in. This is going to be fun. I thought.

"If you girls feel scared, you're always welcome to stay close to one of us", Jake joked.

"Yeah right, you're probably the one who will scream the most", Haewon said back. Two of them are always fighting, it's so fishy. Sometimes they act like a married couple and sometimes they act like they're siblings who hate each other's guts.

We went in and it wasn't as scary as we expected. There were just a few scary decorations; creepy paintings, skeletons, a lot of cobwebs and all the typical things you'd see in a haunted house. We walked in a bit more and that's when things started to get creepy. The lights started getting dimmer and there were weird sounds, creepy piano music and there was just a very spooky, eerie atmosphere.

Then suddenly the lights went out and there were fluorescent ghosts flying around. Then suddenly people started pulling our legs and we were thrown around. All of us started screaming like there was no tomorrow. Just when I thought things couldn't get worse, candles started floating around this and there were words telling us to go forward. We had no choice but to obey because we were so terrified. Haewon was clinging on to Jake and they looked so cute. Then there was a silhouette of a girl wearing a night gown at the end of the hallway. The people who made this haunted house were so creative I'm terrified. And that wasn't the end of it, so many more weird things happened, I felt like I was in a real life horror movie.

After what seemed like hours, we made it out of the haunted house. Sunghoon and Jake looked like they had seen all their nightmares come to life, Haewon had screamed so loud she lost her voice and I almost cried. It was a fun experience.

"What happened in there?", Jay asked when we came out looking like a mess. My eyes were teary and everything was blurry. I didn't even know who I was holding. When my vision cleared, I saw Jake shaking like there was no tomorrow and Haewon with her eyes closed.

"We're out of the hellhole right?", she kept asking, still keeping her eyes closed.

"Yes", Sunoo said.

"Sunoo, I have never missed your voice more!", Haewon exclaimed.

"You still didn't answer my question", Jay reminded.

"It was horrible", Sunghoon answered, "It was the realest haunted house ever. It's like all the Annabelle or those The Conjuring or whatever horror movies brought to life".

"So it was a good haunted house ", Jay deadpanned.

"Yah! You go in and see how it feels. Sullyoon would have cried so hard. There was a story in there and it was terrifying", Haewon yelled.

"Okay, Haewon let's calm down and instead talk about how you pulled me around like a rag doll in there", Jake said, with his clothes all messed up like he just did you know what.

"I know right. It was adorable", I said.

"Says the girl who held Sunghoon's hand so tight, it's red", Haewon said defensively.

"I knew something was going on!", Sunoo said excitedly.

"There's nothing. Sorry to burst your bubble", Sunghoon said, flicking his head.

"See, there's an open mic", I said, trying to divert their attention from the topic, "Haewon, Sullyoon, you guys could go and sing".

After a lot of encouragement and convincing, they went and sang. I really love their voices. There was an entire audience who stopped just for them. Jay and Jake looked so in love and Sunoo looked like a proud younger brother. Sunghoon and I were just side-eyeing them and whispering to each other about how they're so obvious.

I actually had so much fun. Not that I'm going to go out more though. That's just crazy talk.


I updated but it was very late so I'm sorry guys
I'll use my usual excuse
It's Easter holidays rn n I have tons and tons of assignments, tests and I had to make 3d figures of the Allotropes of Carbon

But anyways
I hope you guys are enjoying the story
Your reads, votes and comments mean a lot to me


𝑸𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝑶𝒇 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑫𝒂𝒚
𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕'𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒖𝒍𝒕 𝑲𝒑𝒐𝒑 𝑰𝒅𝒐𝒍  𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑼𝒍𝒕 𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒑?

(𝐼'𝑚 𝑔𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑜 𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦 𝑜𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑛 𝑛𝑜𝑤)

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