15. Ⓒⓛⓞⓢⓤⓡⓔ

109 10 21

Yuna's POV

"So, who'll go first?", I asked. Hyuka was sitting right in front of me in the couch of me and my mom's apartment. Mom was pretty shocked but gave us our privacy and went shopping for groceries.

"I don't know", he answered. I rolled my eyes.

"Still as annoying as ever", I muttered.

"I'll go first, although my story over the past three years are uninteresting", I said.

"Please, you're Hussey Shin, uninteresting isn't in your nature", he said.

"Well, after you left I switched schools", I started but he interrupted me.

"Why'd ya switch schools?", he asked.

"Because I knew our old school would bring nothing but painful memories", I simply answered.

"Anyway", I continued, "I was pretty antisocial and closed off so I made two friends for an entirety of two years. Ryujin and Yujin, they're nice". I looked at him and it looked like he had something to say, "What?", I asked.

"You were antisocial? And closed off? But you're the opposite of that", he said, flabbergasted.

"Yeah, I wasn't in the mood to make new friends", I said.

"Anyway, please stop interrupting me", I warned and continued, "this year, I switched classes because mom wanted me to go for the advanced course. So I did and this time I made a lot of friends in less than a day. There's Sunoo, the first person to talk to me. He is such a sunshine. Then there's Jay, man has no filter and he's so funny and so nice. Then there's Jake, he's hilarious but so kind and works so hard. Then there's Haewon, she has a coffee addiction and is a living meme and she sings so well. Then we have Sullyoon, a total sweetheart, she's so pretty and her mom is a celebrity and is rich as hell but she's so down to earth. And finally Sunghoon, he's quiet and introverted and loves books as much as I do and he's annoying but so nice. He didn't talk to me at first but now all he does is nag me and as annoying as it is, he's always there for me. I love them all, they're my second family", I said and I was surprised. I never realised how important my friends were for me.

"Woah that's a lot but can I ask questions now?", he said and I laughed.

"Well then go on", I said.

"Jay and Jake, are they foreigners?", he asked.

"Sorta, their real names are Jongseong and Jaehyun", I answered, "but Jay lived in America and Jake lived in Australia".

"Who are Sullyoon's parents?"

"Her dad died but her mom is THE MINATOZAKI SANA"

"Did you have to put so much emphasis on the name?"


"Finally, Sunghoon? Is he the guy from yesterday? The one in the café?", he asked and I remembered how I stormed off yesterday.

"Hehe", I laughed awkwardly, "yeah. I'm sorry about yesterday, I was kinda overwhelmed seeing you after such a long time. I needed some time".

"That's okay", he said, "besides I deserved it for leaving you so suddenly".

"Okay, final question", he said with a smug look, "do you like Sunghoon?".

Wait? Was I that obvious? Or was I just oblivious and my feelings for Sunghoon was so evident?

"What makes you say that?", I asked, trying to play it cool.

"The way you held his arm yesterday, the way you looked earlier today when you dropped him off at the bus stop, the way you described him and right now when you tensed up after I asked the question. Besides, I know you Shin Yuna, I know you", he nonchalantly answered, as though he had cracked a huge case. It reminded me of the times we used to pretend we were detectives.

𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚁𝚎𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚎𝚍 𝙼𝚎Where stories live. Discover now