17. Ⓒⓞⓝⓕⓔⓢⓢⓘⓞⓝⓢ

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Sunghoon POV


Loud, Crazy Bunny

Wanna meet up tmrw?
Book café at 2?

Sure :)


Having viewed her reply a long time ago would make one think that I would have already figured everything out. I, for one, didn't.

Why? Because for the first time ever, Yuna, agreed to meet up with me with zero complaints. Is she still sick? I wondered.

It was 1:30 and so I decided to go to the café because I'd hate to be late. I don't even know why I asked her to meet up. I just wanted to be close to her, I guess.

Then a voice from the back of my head said, "it's also because Jake told you she was on a date with a guy named Huening Kai and you wanted to find out if that was true". Maybe, that's also a small factor.

I eventually reached the café and was met with another surprise. Yuna, for the first time ever, came early. She's never early, she's practically always late.

Does she have something to tell me? Is she going through some identity crisis? Is she dating that Huening Kai guy and she's so happy that she's acting all weird?

"Hey", she said, with a bright smile as I sat in the seat across the table.

"Hey", I said.

"So should we order or something?", she asked, keeping the book she was holding down on the table.

"Okay, did I make you wait? I'm sorry", I replied.

"Nah, I came early. It's totally fine", she answered. But that's the thing, Yuna. You're never early.

"Okay, what do you wanna have?", I asked, trying to keep the conversation as normal as possible.

"The usual", she answered and so we ordered. She's all smiles today. What happened? She's really pretty when she smiles. I tried to shake off my thoughts as she continued to read her book.

It's now or never, I guess.
"Hey, Yuna?", I said.

"Yeah", she said as she jerked her head back up.

"Jake said he saw you with the Huening Kai guy yesterday", I said.

"Yeah, we were at the ice cream store together when we met Jake", she affirmed.

"Okay, what were you guys doing together?", I asked trying my best not to be awkward.

"Just catching up and visiting places we used to go to back when we were besties", she nonchalantly answered. Her answers are so confusing. Why aren't you telling me what is want to know, Yuna? It would be so rude to pry.

"So, how was it? Catching up and stuff? You finally mustered up the courage to talk to him, tell him about your feelings?", I asked.

"Yeah, kinda", she answered.

"Kinda?", I asked.

"Well, he's gay and he's dating some one else. He left for America this morning", she answered. Her answer made me smile, but then I felt guilty about it. One of your closest friends got their heart broken and you're happy about it? What's wrong with you? I mentally scolded myself.

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