4. Ⓜⓐⓛⓛ Ⓣⓞⓤⓡ

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Yuna's POV

You know what most people think about weekends? That it's the best time of the week. You wanna know what I think about this particular weekend? That I'm dreading it. It's the school carnival tomorrow and I have to go. I cleverly escaped it for two years and now I have to go. I remember Yujin and Ryujin never went either. Yujin went one year because she was asked out by a guy and Ryujin went once because a person challenged her to an eating contest.

I decided to text them to see if they were going this year.


Are you guys going to the school carnival

I'm going to be sleeping all day

Looks like Ryujin rubbed off on u

Yeah I did

U going to the carnival?

Your girl is going on a date

Who wud be dumb enough to date you?

Yah Shin Yuna
I'll kill you

Love and Peace
Love and Peace (A/n: if ykyk, I just had to)
Btw Yuna
U skipping tis year too?

I gotta attend
Gotta help in my classmate's stall

What's the name of the stall
I'll visit
Gotta meet the ppl who can deal with ur irritating ass

Bish stfu
Idk the name
I'll tell u later

Love and Peace

Enough with the love and peace
Anyway bye guys



Ryujin is dating. Wow!

I'll have to head over to the mall now. Sullyoon asked me to meet her and Haewon there. She told me to come help her in baking and stuff. I told her that I'm horrible at cooking, which is a lie, but she insisted. Then Haewon said that I could draw a nice sign, or help them buy ingredients and some paints and stuff.


You don't know how big a mall is until you have gone to every store there. It went from buying some baking ingredients and face paint to whole blown 'lets buy everything in the mall'. We first bought cookie cutters and a cupcake display thing. Then we went to buy materials for the stall and some face paint. Then, we went to the stationary store to buy some sharpies, for the menu and stuff but when we got there there were some really cute stationary and stuff so we ended up buying those too. Then, right next to it was a plushie store and there were some cute stuff there too and we bought things there too. Then there was a makeup store and Haewon wanted to go there so we did. Then Sullyoon decided that we should buy matching jewellery and Haewon wanted to buy matching aprons and so we bought those too. I had never spent so much money before, luckily there was a mall-wide sale that day or else everything would have been more expensive.

Just when I thought we could finally leave the mall.

"Yuna! Haewon! Sullyoon!", I heard a familiar voice say, it was Sunoo. He was with Jay, Jake and Sunghoon.

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