Chapter 5- Roses Are Red

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This is a Valentine's Day chapter along with the following one.

Also I laughed my ass off at the picture over there ---> So I decided to turn it into a meme :) 

Happy Reading! 

Roses Are Red

  Valentine’s Day. Kill me now. One of the most over rated ‘holidays’ ever invented. I say it was invented by a lonely guy hoping to get laid. Who knows why it is labelled as ‘romantic’ because it’s just like any other day! Torture and agony.

  Today I had to go to school because there were two tests I had on which required me to be there. I had the two tests period one and three. So I had to stick around for period two as well. Shoot me now. I swear to god I was going to off a bridge after this.

  I braced myself as I walked through the two big double doors to the school. I had my hair obscuring my face, dark clothing on and my bag slung over my shoulder. My head was down and I nibbled on my lip as I weaved through the crowd of sappy love struck teenagers. It was Valentine’s Day after all and teenagers love to try and get some action on this day. It’s disturbing.

  I passed couple after couple who were sucking face and those lonely nerds trying not to cry because they had no one. I also passed the jocks and cheerleaders getting into each others’ pants. I walked faster and almost ran into the door I was supposed to be going through. I pounced on a random seat and sunk down in it.

  People stared at me every now and then and some even tried cheating off of me during the two tests. During second period I sunk low in my chair and scribbled down anything that popped into my head that will create great stories and I avoided people’s stares. Then it was interval and I was screwed. I hid right in the back of the library reading until the bell rang signalling my final test for the day.

   The minute the last test was done and dusted I bolted from the school grounds. I never stuck around for long. I ran all the way back to the house.

  I ran through the door, down the hallway and into my room. I slouched against the closed door and stared at my room. There, resting neatly on my nicely made bed was a deep red rose. It was gorgeous with its thorns still intact. It was real, I can tell you that now and it didn’t look like it had been there long. Whoever put it there must have put it there recently and must have picked the lock on my door. I must get it fixed but right now I must put the rose in one of my beautifully painted jars.

  I painted the jars myself with flowers, butterflies and swirls the first year I was stuck here. The only thing that managed to calm me down was my special little projects. Sometimes it was painting on the canvases I got from my Nana Mary on my 14th birthday. I sighed, that birthday will forever be burned into my memory.

  I gently placed the rose in the jar and added some water. Clearly it was from my ‘secret valentine’. I may hate Valentine’s Day but I love roses. No way will I turn it down, no way. The petals curved out just so and the deep crimson red was utterly beautiful. Whoever got it for me clearly did their homework. I’ve always loved nature to the point where people looked at me like I was a freak. Sometimes on road trips with my mother we stopped at a special little lake and while she snoozed (she doesn’t like driving when she’s slightly tired) I went for a walk in the gardens. It was always peaceful and the roses were always there brightening up my day. So for someone to get me a single rose was to bring back happy memories and make me happy for a little longer.

  I curled up on my bed staring at the rose and sometime between then and the time I got woken up I fell peacefully asleep.

  “Erin! Get up!” The voice was urgent.

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