Chapter 15- Reckoning

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I am sad to say that this IS the last chapter EVER of HF :\

The next part will be a thank you chapter and then it will be the epilogue.

Now I hope you like this ENSEL chapter (mainly) and I hope you have enjoyed this journey with me so far :D


  “Erin! Please don’t be dead! Please don’t be dead!” Ansel was sobbing as he was shaking me.

  My head was going all over the place like a bouncy ball so I never got a good look at anything. Some stars, a bit of blood, boots, a trash can, more stars.

  “Ansel stop shaking her!” Faye was by my side.

  “Calm down man!” Cameron yanked Ansel off of me and tried to hold him back. Ansel was taller and stronger though so he was back by my side in an instant. He wasn’t shaking me anymore though.

  “Oh god! Is she dead?” Lucas said from beside Faye.

  “She is the cat’s mother.” I stated. I was high as a kite like I was on laughing gas like that one time at the dental surgery.

  “Erin. Listen to me, are you alright?” Faye asked through sobs.

  “If I say I’m fine will I get a balloon?” I was staring at the stars I could just see through the gap between buildings.

  “She’s not okay. She’s not okay.” Ansel started saying. He sounded- well I’m not quite sure what he sounded like but it wasn’t good. Panicked maybe?

  “Get it together! You’re the only one who can haul her fat ass to the hospital!” Cameron said and a loud crack bounced off the alley walls. Did Cameron slap Ansel? Or did Ansel slap Cameron?

  “Asshole! Knock it off! He’s in shock okay!” Faye screamed at him.

  “Shut up Fifi! She doesn’t love him so why should he care!?”

  “Because she does love him! She admitted it, you dumbass!” Lucas screamed back for his girlfriend who was clutching my arm tightly.

  “Says who Fuckingham!? She’s possibly dead!”

  “I am not dead! But Mount Olympus looks pretty.” I protested.

  “Did she just say Mount Olympus?” Lucas asked bewildered.

  “It’s from the Percy Jackson series. She has been reading them at the bookstore. Mount Olympus is also a part of Greek legends that she loves so much.” Ansel sniffed.

  “You’re a stalker!” Cameron gasped.

  “No he’s not Asshole. Rocky just knows her well, like I do. She’s always loved Greek mythology.” Faye replied.

  “Butterfly!” I yelled and pointed upwards. My vision swam and it became a little hard to breathe all of a sudden.

  I jerked to the left and curled up on my side which hurt like hell. I cried out and tears started to sting my eyes.

  “Erin, what’s wrong?” Ansel said and I finally got a good look at him. Tears stained his cheeks and he looked like a grave man. His blue eyes swam with emotion and my heart wrenched and I cried out in pain again.

  “Shit! Did he actually shoot her!?” Cameron asked.

  “I don’t know. I didn’t see if he hit her or not because Ansel ran into her.” Faye replied.

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