Chapter 13- Oh Lord, I'm Falling

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Guess what!? I have been on Wattpad for a year! YAY! Which means celebrations! *Cracks open bottle of soda* Sorry but I am not allowed alcohol yet. Anyway I hope you guys enjoy because there aren't too many chapters left of this book :( I hope you guys enjoy this and I hope you give me lots of love since I've been on Wattpad sharing the love for a year! :O ENJOY!


Oh Lord, I’m Falling


  As soon as my body was listening to my mind I screamed out his name. He was long gone though. Stupid Erin! Why didn’t you go after him straight away!?

  I stormed back through the pouring rain to the bookstore. He was not there either surprisingly. His bag was still there though, so he must have stormed off to his house which is god knows where. He never told me, Cameron never told me, and I doubt Lucas will tell me where Ansel lives either. They most likely hate me now. It’s not like Cameron didn’t hate me already for ‘stringing Ansel along.’

  Wait. Stringing him along? Oh god! I already knew he was in love with me, but why did I not do anything about it? Better yet, where the hell did my subconscious store it!?

  I grumbled and muttered the entire time I was shoving things aggressively into my bag. Then I stormed over to Ansel’s bag since I couldn’t leave it there. I was the only one with the keys.

  I yanked his bag up and out fell some very interesting things.

  Maximum Ride, City of Bones, Shadow Life, Thieves, Catching Fire, Enthralled and a few more glittering paperbacks winked at me as they fell out. They were my books; the ones that Harry and Leila stole from me.

  I bent to pick them up and noticed something else stored in Ansel’s bag. My laptop covered in purple flowers smiled out at me from inside of his bag. I pulled it out and smiled a watery smile.

  Ansel went through all of this just to make me happy? Or was he planning on not giving them back? Surely he would’ve given them to me along with the gift of the universities, wouldn’t he?

  I carefully stored them back in his bag and picked it up along with my other stuff. I flicked all the lights off and let my mind wander as I locked up for the night.

  I went around and around in circles. My mind was practically eating itself alive with all of these possibilities and answers and situations. It was like a gold mine for annoying mysterious thoughts! Ansel, universities, Ansel, books, Ansel, laptop, Ansel, games, kiss, rain, Ansel! I swear if I was about to walk off a bridge my mind would have treated me nicer!

  I pulled my hood up over my ears and took one last look around for my mysterious Ansel. He was still nowhere in sight so I trudged back home in the rain, alone.


  6 hours, 39 minutes and 26 seconds since I walked through the front door looking like a drowned cat. Or rat, either way I was drowned. It was also 6 hours, 39 minutes and 26 seconds since I tried to get some rest from the swirling thoughts.

  Do you think I got anywhere on that front? Oh hell no! I have been tossing and turning, pounding the pillow and shaking the clock hoping time would go faster.

  At about 2.03am I gave up and grabbed Noughts And Crosses since I took it out of the bookstore to read because tomorrow- or should I say today- was a public holiday for this town.

  Every year on this same damned day the entire town has a celebration for something random I never bothered finding out about. We still celebrated though. Most years the guys smuggled in alcohol and we holed up in our rooms with a bottle of alcohol each. This year though the guys are most likely going to Ansel’s and celebrating in a more teenage boy way. Faye will probably join them at the last minute to reduce the risk of me tagging along. Why? Because it will be awkward between Ansel and me, Cameron will most likely want to pummel me into dust even more and Lucas will just stare at me weirdly... So either way I am avoiding it by hiding in my closet if they come asking me if I want to join.

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