Chapter 11- In All Our Morning Glory

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Anyway this is like an Easter present to you all. I love Easter so treat this present nicely.

Anyway, without further or do. HERE IS YOUR CHAPTER! VOTE, COMMENT, ENJOY!

In All Our Morning Glory

  We got back home at a random hour and my window was the only one open since Leila and Harry couldn’t get into my room so we climbed through it. We were exhausted and Cameron even proved it by collapsing on my floor and falling asleep.

  Faye and Lucas curled up in the corner of my room with a few blankets and fell peacefully asleep. I crawled onto my bed and face planted my pillow. Ansel joined me on the bed and wrapped his arm around my waist effectively spooning me. I didn’t mind though, he was comfy. I sleep weirdly and I once even fell asleep on a hard linoleum floor.

  Around midday Leila and Harry finally found us. They cut the door down with axes and then told us that our doors are gone for the rest of the month. They also told us- well yelled actually- that the guys are banned from this side of the house and that the girls are banned from the other side of the house. Fair enough but what would we do? I get that Faye and Lucas might do the naughty but I still haven’t been kissed. So what was I going to do? Walk around naked? Never going to happen.

  Anyway Ansel is going to move out in the weekend which is in a few days. But until then he is staying with us so the guy who owns the flat can sort everything out.

  Anyway last night I stayed up real late because I got super hungry and the stupid toasty maker wouldn’t work. I ended up breaking the stove as well so I will possibly be grounded even more.

  It was the morning and I had next to zero sleep so nothing will probably make any sense. I dragged my butt out of bed because I needed a drink of water so I wouldn’t get dehydrated. I was an absolute mess I can tell you that much.

  It was a few days after we all got banned to certain areas of the house and our doors taken away from us. Oh and when Harry and Leila found out that Ansel was moving out they screamed so hard I’m surprised the neighbours didn’t call the police. Leila and Harry however, could do nothing about Ansel moving out so their perfect little kingdom just started crumbling.

  Any way I looked a sight and I was just about to walk through the kitchen door when I came face to face with Cameron.

  Cameron just stared at me. I just stared at him. We must have looked pretty odd with both of us standing completely still with mirrored shocked expressions on.

  Did I mention he was half naked? I’m serious. His torso left me with nothing to imagine since he was only in boxer shorts. His stomach was flat and slightly defined but he wasn’t that much to perve over. Well not for me anyway, I only go for the full package if you know what I mean.

  So there I was thinking that this was the worst thing in the world to happen. I had my hair smooshed to the side of my head and this hot guy was staring at me. But it got much worse because Ansel decided to join us in the hallway.

  Holy shit! Now Ansel was definitely something to look at. I swear my jaw hit the floor with a loud bang that woke up the neighbours. He had a flat stomach with definite defined abs that would surely make a room full of girls scream with the comings of an orgasm. I’m surprised I wasn’t like one of them. Maybe I’m too naive? His messy bed head hair also added to his hotness level because who doesn’t go for guys like that!? I saw him half naked at that party ages ago but it was dark and now it’s light...

  They were staring at me in shock. Maybe they thought I was Frankenstein’s wife because I look like a freak in the morning. It also didn’t help with the outfit I had on. I wore red really short pyjama shorts with white polka dots on them and a grey pyjama t-shirt with a ladybug and the words ‘cute or what?’ written on it. Oh and not to mention my short sleeved, knee length grey and white striped dressing gown with the word ‘babe’ on the back in hot pink lettering. Now that was majorly embarrassing and it wasn’t even 10 in the morning!

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