Chapter 6- Undying Love

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This is the second Valentine's Day chapter

I uploaded this for Monica (Dedication duh) since she said that I keep making her smile :)


Undying Love

  “Love your skirt! Where’d you get it from!?” Some perky girl exclaimed.

  “Why do you care!? Leave me alone!” I shrieked and then ran off.

  On my way past the drinks station I stopped and grabbed a big bottle of cider. I skulled it down as I continued to find my way through the large crowd. They weren’t kidding when they said too many to count.

  The entire house and backyard was packed with people! My room was off limits because I put three new locks on it and even put a lock or two on my window to reduce the risk of people going through my private things. The others’ rooms were also off limits, besides Cameron’s since he was in there with a few girls.

  I knew because I saw a few giggling with him as they disappeared in there as I was trying to hide from people.

  People freak me out. I was trying to find someone who didn’t freak me out which is bloody hard.

  I weaved my way through the crowd of bodies pushed up against each other dancing. I don’t push through crowds as much as I weave. I have always been good at ducking and weaving for some reason even though I kind of look like a retarded seal when I’m dancing and I am a major klutz just walking down the god damned street. I trip over my own feet often so who knows how I manage this so well.

  I could see Faye in the corner talking to Lucas. I chose to leave them alone because they appeared to be laughing. No, that couldn’t be right. I shook my head and continued on my search.

  People brushed against me as I made my way through and I even had to pass a few couples making out heavily with tongue. It was disgusting. I am not one of those major hygiene freaks but I am telling you now, they were passing code red on the hygiene scale.

  A little while after Leila and Harry had told us we would be stuck with a whole bunch of people, those in question started arriving. Turns out it was a Valentine’s party and Lucas’ Birthday Party. It served two purposes and they loved it. I found it disturbing.

  A lot of the girls our age were from our school and started flirting with the three guys who are labelled outsiders. Apparently those girls like ‘bad boys’. I got news for them, they aren’t just bad, they’re dangerously insane.

  As am I, which is why I turned down every guy who tried to flirt with me. Faye just yelled at them and turned them down harshly when they turned to her. Looks like a lot of people in this town are messed up since they find outsiders attracting. Only other outsiders should find outsiders attracting, not insiders. Insiders are for insiders.

  Finally I made it to a safe place in the yard. I was by the big oak tree in the back garden with a simple swing hanging from it. Nobody has touched the swing and I don’t want to either. It reminds us of those sad stories with those people who lose someone and sit lonely on a swing. I guess I’m like them, but I don’t want to admit it to anyone.

  “Want to ditch this party?” Someone asked me from the shadows of the tree.

  I almost jumped one hundred feet in the air. I placed a hand over my heart. “Holy hell, you gave me a fright.”

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to.” Ansel stepped out from the shadows with an apologetic expression.

  “It’s okay. I get frights often so don’t worry.” I replied lowering my hand.

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