Chapter 9- Are We Friends?

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Are We Friends?

  So now Cameron, Lucas, Faye, Ansel and I all get along. The first time we all hung out together was when we sat silently in the living room while watching a movie. Apparently that was out of the ordinary for us and Leila and Harry started tearing up about the fact we were being ‘normal’.

  Until they found out that the movie was illegally downloaded. They blew a gasket and yelled at us until I yelled that I was the one who downloaded it. And I was, I used my Dad’s account he gave to me ages ago. I may have lost contact with all my family but I still have the things they gave me, including things used for illegal downloading. Although it’s paid for so it’s not entirely illegal. Is it?

  They ended up ransacking my room. They took my laptop and found my stash of books which they also took. It’s safe to say I curled up in a ball in the corner of my room and cried for a good day or two. I love my books and my laptop.

  Faye sat with me as I cried while Cameron and Lucas tried cooking me ham and cheese toasties which is by far my favourite meal/snack food. Ansel tried to bargain with the two traitors who stole my laptop but he ended up with more hours with me instead.

  And that was how February ended. March wasn’t much better either. The two main events were not fun.

  The first one involved me.

  I was just walking home when I found out that I really needed to pee. And what was worse was that on my way home I saw sprinkler after sprinkler. I also saw an old man taking a leak in the garden. That made me run all the way home screaming.

  Just so I could find out that the door was locked. I didn’t have my keys with me because I knew someone would be home because Ansel texted me saying he was hanging with the boys at home. Faye was out with her laptop at the cafe. We text each other a lot now since we all brought cell phones and exchanged numbers.

  I pounded on the door and yelled out for help. I kept my legs together as I cried out in desperation and attacked the door with my fists. I wouldn’t get my knife out because a lot of people were staring at the girl screaming about letting her in so she could relieve herself.

  It was embarrassing but I have no shame anymore, ever since the whole house found out that I once tripped over twice in one morning. Once on my butt and the second time I landed on my front and skidded a few feet since I was running when I tripped.

  I just about smashed the door to smithereens until Cameron opened the door laughing his tits off. I had no time to scold him, just run past him and shove him into the door. He ended up smashing his head open and going to the hospital again but I just ran straight to the toilet where I just about ripped my jeans trying to get them off.

  So that was the first event that is really embarrassing with a hint of Too Much Information but I just had to tell you.

  The second event only involved Lucas.

  He was out one night and Faye was hanging with me for the night and she worried herself sick. I mean it, she ended up throwing up in my rubbish bin because she kept on worrying about him. He’s never stayed out that late before and the only person who has was Cameron and we all know he was getting laid.

  “What if he has sex with someone else like Psycho does! I thought he liked me back!” She screeched, holding the rubbish bin.

  “Well has he kissed you?” I asked.


  “Then he probably doesn’t know that you like him as well. He does like you Faye, I just know it.”

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