New Friend Aquired

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Luckily Tommy had made it just in time. The convenience store was still supposed to be closed for another 10 minutes. 

It gave Tommy some time to set up his work space and throw on his hideous blue hat and apron he had to wear for work.


Tommyinnit could not wait until his shift was over. His shift ended at 5 and it was currently 4:39. He could be released from this hell soon.

The teenager was leaning against the counter top when they walked in. Tommy paled.

It was a  monster, a demon.

A demon almost as feared as the Devil Karen herself.

Someone who had the power to drain your life force and the life forces of everyone in the store.

It was a woman.

A mother, to be exact.

And accompaning her, was the mother's 5 bratty kids.

Tommy was going to shoot himself.

Of all the people he could've ended his shift off on. 

He would've traded her in for a karen if he could.

Don't get me wrong Tommy shouldn't be this rude about it but this bitch should've left the gremlins at home.

"Hi. Welcome to mashy mart, thanks for bringing your fucking kids." He stated bluntly, glaring at the mother.

Let's just say Karen did  take the kids and decided to actually visit his store today with them.


Since it was the beginning of winter, the streets were pitch black out by the time 7 had arrived, not that Tommy minded. Just meant more crime for him, and more time to enjoy his long walks at night.

The boy was finally freed of his work and was walking home, ending up taking a small detour to the park. It looked nice in the dark, like all parks. 

And like all parks during the night it was empty, with only a few wrongun's or High School kids  roaming around. Tommy enjoyed walking around the quiet path ways.

Tommy sat down on a lone park bench sitting under a street lamp.

Taking out his phone the boy started to scroll threw his notifacations.

Looking at the news he saw he had made an apearance on it. He chuckled to himself.

Tommyinnit The Amazing VigilanteWhere stories live. Discover now