Why Did You Save Him?

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Wilbur stood in the house with his brother, techno.

"Do you think that kid is gunna be alright?" He asked, pacing slightly.

Techno just stood there with an almost curious expression.

"Yeah, I made sure he was patched up properly. You doubting my skills?" He smirked slightly, leaning against the counter.

Wilbur looked off to a door that stood at the end of the hallway.

"No, just.."

He trailed off, still staring intently at the door.

Techno just let out a sigh and turned around, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl.

"Look, I don't know why you were so worried about that vigilante, don't you hate that guy? Wanted us to Be On Guard." Techno mimicked, tossing his head stiffly to the side just to add.

Wilbur was quiet for a moment.

"Why did you save him?" Techno asked again, in a more specific tone of voice. He was genuinely curious.

Wilbur didn't know why he killed those guys.

Wilbur didn't know why he grabbed the vigilante.

Wilbur didn't know why he called techno.

He just didn't know.

"..Why did I save him."


The room was dark and cold.

No, his eyes were just closed.

There was a slight breeze too..

Tommy slowly opened his eyes, and actually:

It was a bit dark,

It took a minute for Tommy to realize where he was.

He looked at the street lamp that stood a bit farther down the path. Tommy immediately went to sit up to look around.

Going to stand up, he let out a groan of pain and clutched his side.

He could feel bandages around his waist, they were wrapped neatly around his whole waist around his suit.

Who bandaged him up? And why was he at the park?

He looked around again, starting to walk down the parks path.

How did he end up here? All Tommy could remember was..

The alley.

He was shot-that's why there was bandages around his lower torso.

But now that begged a bigger question: who patched him up?.

Tommy pulled out his baton and used it to help him walk.

He didn't even know what time it was..

Without any information Tommy had no clue what had happened, and he was walking aimlessly trying to rack his brain of anything.

As he walked the streets, the vigilante would soon find himself at the base of his apartments complex.

Struggling, he climbed up the old railings and slipped open his window.

The vigilante climbed inside and sat down on the floor, breathing heavily. He didn't even realize when he was fully inside.

Tommy sighed and slipped off his mask, tossing it off to the side.

"Who the fuck saved me?.."

He mumbled out, rubbing his sweaty forehead.



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