Unlikely Friends

395 19 11

Tommy was running. Man his lungs hurt.

Sirens sounded in the distance, closing in on the vigilante.

Tommy was holding a bag of money, stolen money.

Why did Tommy have stolen money you ask? Well that because of a little friend he made.

Looking to his left he saw the man who dragged him into this stupid situation.


-------------------------------A Few Days Earleir---------------------------------

Tommy was on a patrol per usual, nothing new.

 Stopping bad guys, helping the people, his usual routine.

But today felt different.

 someone was following him.

Tho he made it so Tommy only saw him when he wanted Tommy to see him.

The vigilante walked along the railings of the park paths, bored becuase there has been no reported crimes for a solid hour.

Listening to the the faint noises of the city and the comforting silence of the park, Tommy began to let his mind wonder.

But this was soon interupted like every other god damn time.

"Well hello their vigilante!" A cheerful robotic voice spoke out.

Tommy quickly turned to meet the face of the voice, hand ready to grab his baton if necessary.

The voice belonged to a Tv headed person, or maybe it was a prop? who knows. But just from the TV Tommy new exactly who this individual was

It was the shapeshifter "Vigilante" Quinn.

The reason why Tommy puts quotation marks around the Vigilante part is because Quinn is more of an opportunist.

Every chance of money or power Quinn got, he seized it by the throat. Mainly working with Villains.

So if anything Quinn is a Villain not a Vigilante, but because of his internet influence he stays on the vigilante spectrum.

And his power grants him the ability to shapeshift his body to have any animal parts he pleases.

Tommyinnit The Amazing VigilanteWhere stories live. Discover now