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He was lucky no one saw him transform or they will kill him. Since they hate werewolves. Especially the Order.

"Fuck. You could have got me killed or worse exposed! you asshat!" Eddie told Bloodmoon as he walked to the den. It's 'abandoned'. It's not no entirely but that's what is interesting about it. Because it's hidden and no one goes near it.

He walked into the den and sighed falling onto the couch. "God I hate this" he sighed and he got up as his phone exploded. It was Alyssa and other Order members. He sighed leaving the den and headed for campus.

He walked around the campus in a hurry and he bumped into Jack. "Oh shit sorry"

"No I'm sorry" Jack spoke and he looked like he was looking for something.
"What you looking for?" Eddie asked curiously.

"Nothing" Jake spoke

"Okay well if I was looking for something I'd check the chess board" Eddie smiled walking away and he got a dirty look from Kyle. Like he knew something. Eddie rolled his eyes and walked up to Randall.

"Hey you ready for classes? and the Order is starting to recruit" Eddie explained, "most of them are stuck ups and ones a townie"
Then they could hear ringing and they looked at each other.

"Wanna get some food?" Randall asked

"Yeah I am starving! I want deer" Eddie sighed as they started walking

"Dude we're in public and why don't we just get a steak" Randall smiled and put an arm around Eddie's neck and they started walking.

They sat down and ordered some steak. They started eating. "God why does steak taste better as a werewolf. I used to hate steak when I was younger" Eddie smiled and Randall smiled with steak juice all over his mouth.

"Ummm... Randall you kinda have stuff around your mouth." Eddie laughed as he finished off his steak. Randall just smiled.

Once they finished they walked out. "10 bucks says that Lilith killed someone" Eddie smiled looking at Randall. He knew it wasn't true. Well he didn't know that. But still. For fun.

"Okay. And if she didn't you need to give me ten bucks" Randall smiled and they shook on it. The Order is starting to do his heading. God he hates it. He never wanted to be apart of it.

Few hours later he walked into the Magus' office, "Magus I want to tell you I quit" Eddie yelled slamming his mask onto the desk, "and no need to wipe my mind. I already forgot this and everything else! Because I am not following my parents footsteps in this fucking society!"

"You are our best disciple. You have to stay. And your a legacy. What will your mother say" the Magus told him.

"I won't stay! And tell my mother to fuck off! I quit!" Eddie yelled and stormed out the temple and bumped into Kyle.

"Where are you going?" He asked looking at Eddie

"none of your business now out my way asshole!" Eddie snapped and pushed Kyle out the way and walked into the woods.

Eddie grew his claws out and cut the trees and a few deers. Then he went to slash another tree and Hamish stood next to the tree. Making Eddie growl slightly.

"Thats a lot of rage there"

"And I'd move out the way if you don't want your blood smeared across the trees!" Eddie growled

"You won't."

Eddie nodded, sighed and slowly calmed himself down. "Sorry I get out of control sometimes...the anger and rage it gets too much" Eddie spoke a lot calmer now

"It's fine and something is killing people and let's go to the den to talk about it" Hamish suggested and Eddie nodded. And they walked away to the den.

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