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The next day Eddie walked into the den to find Jack naked on the floor with Hamish, Lilith and Randall around him.

"What the fuck is this?" Eddie asked looking at them

"I lead him to the den and turned him into a werewolf" Randall explained


"Sliverback" Hamish spoke then Randall woke Jack up.

"Wakey wakey" Randall shook Jack up.

"Silver- really? He chose this idiot" Eddie yelled pointing to Jack.

"Where am I? Why am I naked? Where are my clothes" Jack groaned and looked at them

"Oh. They got ruined when you ripped out of them. You'll get used to it." Randall explained to Jack with a smile.

"Used to what? Who are you people?" He asked and Eddie looked at the wall.

"Eddie you okay?" Hamish asked and Theo nodded

"Dude it's me Randall I'm you RA" Randall said and Jack scoffed "yeah I know that, who are they?"

"Oh that's Eddie who you've met, Hamish and Lilith. And together we're the knights of st. Christopher" Randall told Jack and he just looked at him.

"And what's that? an improv troupe?" Jack asked

"A sacred brotherhood-" Hamish started before Lilith interrupted him

"A gender neutral collective"

"Anointed to fight dark magic with the power of-" Hamish started again until Randall interrupted him.

"Dude! Were werewolves and now so are you!" Randall smiled and Jack looked at him in disbelief.

"Yeah, I get it. Townie wanted to join a secret society so let's make him think they-" Jack laughed until he vomited with deer chunks in it. Reminded Eddie the day he woke up in the woods.

"Oh yeah you ate deer last night" Randall told him and Jack got up telling himself "this is not happening"

"Oh it's happening. The spirit of silverback chose you as his champion. He bound to you and you transformed" Hamish explained to him.

"Transformed into what?" Jack asked

"A werewolf. Seriously Randall told us you he was smart." Eddie sighed, "this is a waist of time"

"Silverback's been dormant for 50 years and he picks this dumbass?" Lilith asked

"If your asking me. I think it's a bad idea. Let's just kill him" Eddie rolled his eyes and walked to the kitchen to find some food.

Eddie walked back to them with a bag of sweets. "He'll come around" Hamish said

"And if he doesn't?"

"We kill him. Duh" Eddie said eating some sweets.

"What?! No you can't kill him" Randall said defending Jack

"Randall. Jacks with the order. He's already picked a side" Eddie told Randall, "I'm sorry"

Eddie looked at Randall sadly. Randall pushed Eddie away. "Your not you hated him from the start. Your not sorry. We're not killing him!" . Then Eddie looked at the floor and nodded slowly and walked off. He went up to his room.

There was a knock at the door and Hamish walked in. The room was wrecked. Sweets everywhere. Claw marks across the walls. Mirror smashed with some blood on it.

"Eddie?" Hamish asked looking around the room. "Eddie?"

"Hamish, just go away" Eddie spoke from under his covers

"What's up?"

"He hates me. I'm such an idiot. I can't do anything right. He's right I'm not sorry" Eddie mumbled and Hamish walked up to him and sat down.

"He doesn't. And you can't let him decide how your feeling. and why don't you just tell him you like him. I mean if you can tell me, you can tell him" Hamish told him

"No! Never!"

"Okay well we got to get going. Come on" Hamish took the covers from over Eddie's face and he got up and walked out the den and went to his classes with Hamish.

"Hamish do you think that a sinner can be redeemed of their sins even if they have done something that's irreversible?" Eddie asked looking at Hamish slightly.

"Well I'm not sure. But everyone came come to terms with their demons. But where is this coming from?" He asked looking at Eddie.

"No where. Sorry..." Eddie said and rushed off. Why did you say that you idiot!?

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