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Once they got it Eddie ad Randall had a shower. Separate showers, I wish it was together- I mean...uhhhh. And got changed. They all sat downstairs. Eddie sat on the couch. Randall paced up at down.

"Is it true? Are you one of them!" Randall went right up into Liliths face

"Randall just dial it don't a notch" Jack told Randall and everyone started yelling. Eddie covered his ears and then he just snapped.

"Will everyone shut up!!" Eddie yelled and everyone went quiet.  Everyone looked at him.

"You out of our house now!" He yelled and pointed at Alyssa, "and jack we should have killed you from the start! Because everything when wrong the moment you showed up!"

"And I should never have made you a knight!" Randall yelled to Jack.

"No, you probably shouldn't have" Jack said to Randall

"You guys have murdered a high ranking member tonight. They will be coming for you" Alyssa said

"Good let them come! We will kill them as well!" Eddie snapped, growling loudly.

"No one is killing anyone else tonight" Jack said and Eddie rolled his eyes and Hamish sighed.

"Hey. How about you let me call the shots" Hamish said getting involved.

"Can you even make a decision without resorting to beer pong?" Lilith asked looking at Hamish.

"I am not resorting" Hamish said sounding offended

"No your an alcoholic!" Randall spat

"Fuck you Hamish!" Eddie growled

"I'm an alcohol aficionado" Hamish sighed.

"That's still an alcoholic asshole!" Eddie snapped

"I'm leaving!" Alyssa said getting up.

"I've changed my mind your staying!" Eddie growled. Alyssa went to leave but Eddie got his claws out and held them up to her neck.

Stopping Alyssa from leaving. "One move and I'll grip your throat out!" Eddie growled.

"Edward Coventry is my father!" Jack yelled making Eddie look at him and he moved his claws away from Alyssa's neck.

"What the fuck! That asshole is your father!" Eddie snapped

"You didn't think to tell us your father is the leader of the fucking Order!" Randall yelled at jack. Getting up to his face.

"Thats non of your business" Jack told Randall

"I trusted you man! You betrayed me!" Randall yelled

"I betrayed you? You turned me into a fucking werewolf!" Jack yelled

"That's something we can change easily!" Eddie growled. His eyes glowing white.

"Randall, Eddie I think that whatever Hemming's did to you. It's still effecting you" Alyssa said, clearly pointing out the obvious.

"Yeah no shit! Stupid bitch!" Eddie snapped

"You know what they did to me? They opened my eyes to your fucking bullshit!" Randall yelled growling loudly.

"Randall" Hamish yelled and Randall turned to him and attacked him. Hamish soon got the other hand and pinned Randall to the ground. Randall growled. Loosing control of the wolf. Lilith help Hamish keep Randall down then Hamish punched Randall in the face hard knocking him out.

Eddie growled and Alyssa muttered something and Eddie fell to the floor. "What did you do to him?" Hamish asked concerned for his pack member.

"It's a sleep spell. He's fine." Alyssa said then she got the sigil out of Eddie's and Randall's neck.

Randall soon woke up and rubbed the side of his face. Randall got up and instantly went to Eddie. "Eddie..?" Randall whispered holding his hand.

"What happened to him?"

"Alyssa did some sleeping spell" Hamish told him. Randall gently lifted Eddie's head and he sat down, putting Eddie's head on his lap. Randall played with Eddie's hair.

Eddie slowly woke up and looked up to Randall. "Hey.." he smiled rubbing his head.

"Hey" Randall smiled still playing with his hair, "you have soft hair" that made Eddie chuckled.

"Well that was intense." Lilith said sitting on the couch next to Hamish. In front of Eddie and Randall. Then they heard the ringing. Eddie groaned, "really!?"

"It's probably Edward and Alyssa making sweet sweet magic together somewhere" Randall said sipping onto his drink making Eddie chuckled.

Randall looked down at him and smiled. Eddie sat up and cuddled into Randall, putting one of his hands on his thigh and started drawing shapes. Randall put his arms around his waist.
"I meant that in literal sense" Randall smiled making Eddie chuckle again.

"I don't want to talk about this anymore, okay?" Jack sighed slumming, looking like those high school kids that's depressed because he got rejected but his crush.

"You know what? I just don't know how she doesn't see the monster he is!" Jack yelled slightly.

"Chill man! Your girl just might like older psycho men. I mean men are hot but seriously Coventry is just ew" Eddie said to Jack looking at him.

"Because your monster is her idol" Randall said sounding serious but having a smile on his face.

"You can't tear someone's idol down for them. They have to do that themselves" Hamish told Jack.

"Yeah Ham-ster's right" Randall smiled making Eddie laugh. How does he come up with these.

"Ha! Ham-ster!" Eddie laughed
"Don't call me that" Hamish sighed feeling fed up of the childishness from Randall.

"I'm no fan of Coventry's but he does have a high-bang ability" Lilith said honestly.

"I'm all for men but Eww!" Eddie said looking at lilith in disgust. Randall smiled moving his hand to Eddie's inner thigh as Eddie sat up near him. Eddie looked at Randall blushing slightly and smiled putting his head on Randall's chest.

"Your talking about my girlfriend" Jack says, "and my dad"

"Well he's not really your dad. He's just some guy who dumped his seed in your mom and took off" lilith said. She wasn't exactly wrong.
Eddie didn't hear anything else really he was just looking at Randall and he felt Randall's hand travel up and down his inner thigh. Eddie put his head on Randall's shoulder and moved closer to his neck. Gently kissing it.

"Okay guys no one wants to see this. Go and do it somewhere else" Hamish said and Eddie sighed grabbing Randall's hand with a smile and went upstairs.

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