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Okay I'm going to do a huge time skip. Pretty much to the end of season two. Because cba to write it all up. So they "rescued" Lilith from wherever she was. And so on.

Eddie ran back inside. "Lilith?" He said in disbelief. He ran up to her and hugged her tightly, "god Lilith I've missed you" Lilith didn't hug him back.

"I want to go home" is all she said and Eddie moved away and looked at her. Not noticing the red symbol on right side of her face that goes over her eye.

"What are you talking about lil you are home." Eddie said thinking she's joking.

"Who are you and This isn't my home. You took me from my home!" she yelled slightly and Eddie just walked away.

He went out to Jack and pushed him to the ground.

"That's because you let her get fucking taken you asshole!" Eddie yelled and kicked jack hard in the back. Probably would bruise if he wasn't a werewolf.

"She doesn't fucking remember us because you fucked up!" He yelled clearly trying to hold back tears.

"Eddie just calm down. We will think of something" Hamish said and Eddie turned his head to look at him.

"You can't say shit. You were with Vera all the time. Clearly her Little lap dog. You could have got her to have done something sooner. But no you were to busy sticking your tongue down her throat!" Eddie snapped Hamish was quite, he knew it was true. Then Gabrielle walked out of the woods with Randall. She was covered in blood. She killed someone.

"Who did she kill?" Eddie asked

"Midnight killed Alyssa" jack said and Eddie moved away.

"Your little girlfriend is gone." Eddie spat giving Hamish and jack death stares.

He walked inside and went up to Randall and Gabrielle. "Hey you can borrow some on Lilith clothes" Randall said with a smile and they went upstairs and Randall showed her where Lilith room was and he waited for her.

"Randall can we talk. Please." Eddie said going up to Randall. He nodded.

"It's seems like you've been avoiding me ever since we got our memories back. Now I don't know if that's because of me. Or because you like someone else. Or you just don't feel anything for me anymore. Or maybe you like Hamish. Which I'm not judging there. But if you don't feel the way I do just tell me please. I need something. Just anything." Eddie said quickly, luckily Randall understood everything. Due to being a werewolf.

"It's got nothing to do with you and I don't like Hamish. I love you Edy. It's just I was just trying to get thing back to how they were." Randall explained to Eddie and he sighed in relief.

"Thank god. Because I can't loose you again" Eddie said and he looked at Randall with tears in his eyes, "we took to long trying to find Lilith. She doesn't remember us..."
Randall hugged Eddie as he finally let some tears out.

Few minutes later Gabrielle walked out in some of Lilith clothes and Eddie moved away drying his eyes. "Those clothes suit you" Eddie said with a half smile.

"There not as good as mine but they will do" she sighed messing around with her hair.

"Hey at least there's clothes for you" Eddie said and he rolled his eyes. The three of them went downstairs and sat in the living room and had a couple of drinks and then Hamish and jack walked in.

Eddie refused to look, speak and acknowledge there existence. "Randall I have something to show you" Eddie said remembering the painting he did. Eddie jumped up and grabbed his hand and walked out dragging Randall with him.

It was drawings of all of Randall's favourite things that Eddie could think off. "It's nice very detailed. I love it. But why you do this for?" Randall looked at Eddie.

"It was meant for your birthday but we kinda got our memories wiped"Eddie smiled and looked at Randall. Randall smiled and pulled Eddie close to him by the collar of his shirt. Randall kissed Eddie passionately and Eddie kissed back.

Randall pulled away and smiled. "I've wanted to do that for ages"
"Oh but I bet you are dying to do more" Eddie smirked and Randall rolled his eyes. He pulled Eddie into another deep passionate kiss and he slammed Eddies back into the wall making him gasp and Randall slid his tongue into eddies mouth. Eddie let Randall dominate because why not. Eddie moaned softly into the kiss as Randall pressed his thigh agains Eddies crotch.
Randall pulled away from the kiss and trailed kisses along Eddie's neck. Making sure to leave marks.

"Randall.." Eddie moaned softly, his breathing got heavier, as Randall travelled his hands up Eddies shirt. Then Hamish bursted through the door and Randall moved away. Probably leaving Eddie with a boner. Whyyyyy now. Eddie rolled his eyes and whined.

"We kinda have a problem" Hamish said.
"I kinda have a problem" Eddie mumbled and Randall smirked and let a little chuckle escape him.

"I'll sort it out later don't worry" Randall whispered in his ear sending shivers down him.

"Lilith has kind...of escaped" Hamish said and Eddie and Randall sighed Eddie formed into the wolf and tried to track Lilith down and everyone followed.

They never got home till late and Lilith still no where to be found. Did Randall do what he said? Yeah.

Does this story end now? Also yes

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