Week 13: Deadline Stress

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A/N: As I mentioned in the description that I’m sure you probably read, I’m behind with these prompts, so from here on, the numbers will be very mixed, as I will be working on the most recent ones first.


At this point, I just want it to be over.  "Hey Rory, don't take too long, I need you out here for the dinner rush!" My manager, Max, commanded.

"Yep!  Be right there!" I shouted back to him.  Taking a breath, I stepped out of the kitchen, and approached Max at the register.

"I hope that kooky guy from yesterday sticks to his word and never comes back," he sighed, exhaustion evident in his voice.

"Yeah, me too; the way you told that creature off was crazy cool though!  Impressive even!" I told him.

"You really mean it?" A soft smile pulled at his lips.  "I'm not usually very 'cool' or 'impressive'."

"Of course I mean it!  And you're so cool and impressive all the time!" I answered earnestly.

"Thank you," he said softly.

As I looked at him, the rest of the world seemed to melt away and I couldn't help the words that flooded from my mouth, "Max, I have to tell you something."  He nodded nervously, urging me to continue.  By then I'd realized what I had just said, but it was too late to turn back, so I continued; "I think I-" my attention was suddenly yanked from Max by him smack my arm lightly with the back of his hand and pointing at the clock that read 5:30 and the woman entering the restaurant with her wife and kids.  I groaned internally.  The customers are always the worst during the dinner rush.  After they paid, Max told them to follow me to their seats.  As they sat down I passed them menus and took their drink orders.  "I'll be back shortly," I stated and made my way to the kitchen to give the chef their orders.

When I returned to their table, I saw that one of the kids had drawn some cartoons in the margins of her kid's menu.  "You're pretty creative, huh?" I commented. 

"Oh yeah, I love drawing!" she told me with the utmost enthusiasm. 

"Well you're good, so keep it up kid," I encouraged.  "Are y'all ready to order?"

The woman glanced to her wife, who nodded, "Yep."  I took their orders and brought them to the chef.  As it got busier, I barely noticed the time passing, and before I knew it, I was bringing them the check.  Before I could leave the table, I felt a small tug on my sleeve.

"Thank you for liking my pictures," the little girl said smiling.  She held out a Jolly Rancher and asked, "Do you want a candy?"

"Aww thank you," my heart melted as I accepted the sweet offering.

After that our small dining room quickly filled up.  As I took orders and served customers the dinner rush zipped by.  When Max flipped the sign to "Closed", and the kitchen staff headed home, I almost couldn't believe the dinner rush went as well as it had.  Closure is usually pretty chill, but because of what happened earlier, the atmosphere was thick with tension.  "Hey Rory?" Max spoke in soft whisper after some time.

"Yeah, Max?" I responded.

"What were you going to say before that woman and her family came in?"

"Oh." You know what, fuck it, "Do you want to go out with me?" I blurted.

"Like on a date?"

"Obviously, dumbass."

"Then yes, of course!" an excited smile tore across his face, and I couldn't help but return the same wide grin.

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