Chapter 1: Cinder

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by: UnknownkingfromAO3

The continent of Solitas was a desolate tundra that was the farthest north of all the kingdoms. As such, it played an important role in Ozpin's defense strategy.

However, after the war, corruption had taken root deep into the kingdom and it was believed that even the communication network wasn't safe, forcing Oz to send lone messengers to his newest lieutenant James Ironwood.

And doing that, there was always the risk of bandit attack.

"You there! Give me all your money or I'll gut you like a fish!"

Summer blinked in surprise. When Ozpin had sent her to Atlas with crucial information, she had expected trouble. What she hadn't expected was a little girl (in the middle of the tundra!) who couldn't even have been sixteen standing before her wielding twin blades demanding her money.

"I'm sorry, but who are you? You don't look like any bandit I've seen. Where are your parents?" Summer asked.

"Don't know, don't care. Now give me your money! I'll count to three, if you don't give it to me then, I'll kill you and take it!" The girl growled. Summer felt her heart go out to the child, no wonder she was out here robbing people. Summer was well aware there was no system in place for helping orphans. Adults were struggling to find work as it was. The war had messed everyone up, but the children had no voice or way to represent themselves to the government.

"Three!" Suddenly, the child lunged forward, her blades outstretched.

Immediately, Summer's muscle memory kicked in. She stepped to the side, dodging the blades, next she planted one foot in between her opponent's, then she grabbed the child's wrist and her chest and threw her overhead.

The girl flew through the air, eyes widened with surprise, before she painfully landed on her back several feet away.

Summer immediately felt bad. She hadn't intended to be so rough on a child.

Before she could ask if the girl was okay, she got quite a surprise as said girl rolled onto her shoulders, then used her arms to push herself off the ground with a flip and landed back on her feet.

This just got even more interesting. This girl clearly had some kind of training, nobody could do stunts like that without it. In fact if she didn't know any better...

"Your huntress!?" Summer blurted out. She realized she had said the wrong thing because the girl's narrowed angrily. "No! I'll never become one of those bastards!" Before Summer could try and defuse the situation, the girl charged again.

Summer found herself on the back foot as she dodged and blocked, the girl fast and powerful strikes. As she did, she studied the girl's moments and fighting style. She was quick. She clearly used aggression to try to overwhelm her opponents with little regard for her defense.

As the girl performed a downward swing Summer, saw her opening. She moved in to try and pin the girl to the ground. She grabbed her wrist and began trying to trip her up, but the girl spun and kicked her hand away.

Summer staggered, leaving her vulnerable. The girl wastes no time and landed two quick strikes on Summer's chest, then a jab knocking the huntress to the ground. The girl jumped onto her with her blades positioned like scissors to decapitate the huntress.

Summer realized she couldn't win like this. As much as she hated too, she'd have to fight back.

With a single quick moment, Summer drew a curved blade from her belt. The guard was shaped like red rose petals with the white blade blooming from the center. There was a defining clang as the steel clashed. The girl let up slightly in surprise, giving Summer a chance to kick her in the side knocking her away.

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