Chapter 2: Unworthy

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by UnknownkingfromAO3

To say Ironwood's office was intimidating would be like saying Ozpin was old, it was a massive understatement. The looming shadows under the door as people walked by and the militaristic design making everything feel strict and oppressive, like boot camp. Everything about it seemed to be designed to intimidate anyone who dared to step inside.

Summer shifted uncomfortably as she waited for the general to return from some big responsibility that she wasn't allowed to know. She understood he had a big job, but she never liked waiting.

And she wasn't the only one.

"Cinder, please don't." Summer said for what must be the umpteenth time as the young girl reached for one of the papers on the general's desk. She had already set fire to the curtains, melted a hole into the window, and tried to set off the sprinklers in the office. Multiple times.

"Maybe he shouldn't be late if he didn't want people to entertain themselves." Cinder said as she settled on kicking the desk causing a stack of papers to fall.

"This was an unannounced visit, actually." Summer responded tiredly. "And if you're going to ask someone a favor, you shouldn't make them mad. Now pick up those papers and put them back where they were."

Cinder grumbled something that Summer thought sounded like a curse word no fourteen year old should know, but didn't comment as the girl had begun picking up the papers.

After another half an hour (and several more arson attempts by Cinder.) Summer heard voices approaching the office. She didn't recognize the first one, who was yelling angrily.

The second however, she recognized as General Ironwood. While she hadn't met him face to face, she had spoken over Scrolls more than once. He seemed to be arguing with the angry man who was with him, but Summer couldn't make out any of the words.

Finally, the voice stopped outside the office and Summer stood and brushed herself off to appear presentable. Being around one of Ozpin's lieutenants made her nervous.

The door to the office opened, and Summer was able to catch the last of the conversation. "Then tell me why the murderer is still at large! I'm hosting a large celebration in a few weeks and how am I supposed to without Accommodations!?" The angry man yelled. He seemed furious about something, but Summer had no idea what.

"I've told you, Jacques." Ironwood growled. "It's an ongoing investigation. Even if I knew anything, I wouldn't be able to talk about it until the case is closed." The general said as he stepped inside his office. Cinder immediately moved to stand next to Summer. She must have been intimidated by the massive man who had appeared. Or just didn't want to get in trouble for heating his leather chair to a boiling point.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have another matter to attend to. If you want more information, then feel free to check in with the police. They'll be more than happy to answer any and all your questions, as long as it's not classified, of course." Before Jacques could say anything else, Ironwood shut the door in his face, locking it as well.

With a heavy sigh, the general made his way over to Summer and offered his hand. "Sorry about the delay. You would not believe what happened a few days ago. Miss Rose, correct?" Summer nodded stiffly.

"A pleasure, sir! I mean, err, yes general sir! I mean! Yes sir!" Summer gave him an awkward salute.

"You don't need to do that." Ironwood said quickly, raising his hand slightly. "No need to stand on ceremony when it's important business for Oz. Now this is about Salem, correct?" Summer shuffled nervously. She had hoped he wouldn't jump straight into business, but he had and now she had to stop him before he accidentally dragged Cinder into it.

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