Chapter 33: Team AACE's first mission, Music Fest!

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The docks of Vale were normally quite impressive, with ships and people from all over Remnant. But today, it was breathtaking as it was the sight of Music Fest!

A segment had been roped off and was surging as the venue. Food stands were being set up and bands were flocking in to prepare for their events where they could become famous far and wide! After all, the biggest stars in music were made here. Sponsors would be looking for anyone they could get with more than a fair amount of talent. Some bands had even brought their kids who were already practicing.

"Brothers. They're younger than Yang." Cinder said as team AACE walked down the street. Despite it being nearly 4:00 in the morning, they had their weapons on their person as well as their battle attire. They weren't here as guests, so they needed to look the part.

Unfortunately, at such an early start, that was easier said than done.

"T-that's called starting young." Eric yawned, struggling to stay awake as they walked. "Did you know most movie stars don't have childhoods because they need to spend all their time getting ready for the stage? It's the reason why suicide rates and drug abuse are so common with them. Also, how are you so perky this early? You went to bed after all of us?"

"I'm used to not getting much sleep." Cinder replied with a roll of her eyes. "Besides, it looks like I'm not the only early riser. Amber was already awake when I got up."

"Actually, I had a weird dream and couldn't get back to sleep." The dark skinned girl confessed, rubbing the back of her head sheepishly. "I was…umm. Well you know that dream about going to school only to realize you're in your underwear? Yeah…. And after that my first grade teacher started yelling at me because it was heart boxer short day. Which made no sense. Then-!"

"Okay Amber. You have an overactive imagination. We get it." Cinder said dryly. "Must have been some dream because your hands were so sweaty when I found you. Seriously, you never seem to have test anxiety here. What on Remnant traumatized you during first grade?"

Amber let out an awkward laugh as she continued to rub her head, but didn't answer.

"As much as I love talking about embarrassing first grade moments, can we address the Goliaths in the room?" Adam asked as he finished an energy drink and tossed it into a nearby bin. "More specifically, the deal you made with Professor Goodwitch."

A hard silence fell over the team as they all took in the gravity of their situation. If they failed, then Cinder and Amber would be expelled, and team AACE would be cut in half, significantly dropping Adam's and Eric's chances at graduating and finding anyone willing to take them on.

"Yeah well, we'll just have to make sure we don't fail!" Cinder said confidently. "Then nobody gets expelled and we all can find good teams after graduation…and…and."

"It's not that simple." Amber said, her voice one noticeable less cheerful than normal. "She said we'd be graded on our performance. So even if we pass the mission, there's still a chance we'll get expelled. But seeing as her main criticisms were about our chain of command, as long as we play it safe, we should have a good shot at passing."

The dark skinned girl turned to her team, clasped her hands together and bowed to the girl.

"So please, PLEASE! For the sake of l this mission, Please listen to what I say!"

"Yes ma'am!" Eric said with a salut

"You got it." Adam replied. "Just make sure you make the right calls."

"Whatever." Cinder said with a shrug.

While that wasn't exactly a confidence booster, Amber decided to take it. With this team of hotheads, it was probably the best she was going to get.

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