Chapter 3: A family

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by UnknownkingfromAO3

The early Morning sun shone down on a car that bounced down the dirt road in the outskirts of Patch. It had been a long ride back to Vale from Atlas. Cinder had fallen asleep more than once during the trip down. Now the young girl was looking out the window with mild interest.

Hopefully, they'd find a family not too far away, but Summer know it was Cinder's decision on where she wanted to stay.

Her scroll buzzed as Tai probably sent another text to her. She had told him she would be back today and about the company she was bringing with her. She hoped Cinder got along with Ruby and Yang. Those two could be a handful at times.

"So… you're married to your old teammate?" Cinder asked. She had seemed interested in the huntress business.

"Yep!" Summer said cheerfully. "Been married for a while. I have two kids who are a few years younger than you. My oldest is six years younger then you. My youngest is eight years younger." Cinder grunted in acknowledgement, then turned back to the window.

After another half an hour of painfully awkward attempts at conversation by Summer, they arrived at the house in the woods.

"We're here!" She said as she unbuckled her seatbelt. "Ready to meet your house mates for the next couple weeks?" Cinder sighed heavily.

"Only if I have too." She said uncomfortably.

Summer smiled as Cinder got out of the car. She clearly hadn't had much experience in interacting with other kids. Or if she had, it hadn't been very pleasant.


Summer's thoughts were interrupted when a red ball of energy crashed into her chest. Behind her, Summer saw Cinder's hand fly to her swords. "Ruby! What's got you all worked up? I was only gone a week!" She laughed as Ruby hugged her tighter.

"Too long!" Ruby's voice was muffled as her face was pressed against Summer's stomach. "Dad doesn't make cookies like you!"

Summer laughed as she stroked her daughter's head lovingly. "Okay, will make cookies sometime this week." She said, out of the corner of her eye, she saw Cinder relax as she realized this girl wasn't an enemy.

"Welcome home, Summer." A tall blonde man walked out of the house and hugged both Ruby and Summer. Cinder was surprised by the blatant show of affection. Most of the couples she had seen weren't very… grab ass, she chose to put it.

"Uga! Daddy! Can't breathe!" Ruby said as she wiggled out from her parents embrace. "Hehe! Sorry Ruby. I just missed your mom so much." Tai replied playfully. The he turned his attention back to Summer.

"Yang's inside getting dressed. You caught us in the middle of bath time, but I think she'll be out soon." He leaned in and kissed Summer along her neck. Making the huntress laugh. "Tai. Calm down! Not in front of the children."

"Eww! You guys are gross!" Ruby said, sticking out her tongue. And for once Cinder had to agree. She never understood what was romantic about pressing your dirty lips against another person.


Another girl raced out of the house and launched herself onto Summer. She was dripping wet, save for her clothes (not that they'd stay that way for long.) and hadn't bothered to put on shoes.

Summer didn't seem to care about the water and spun the blonde girl around before settling her back down. "Wow! You're getting big! Another few years and I won't be able to do that anymore!" The girl laughed happily as she snuggled into her mother's chest.

Cinder raised an eyebrow as she remembered the overhead take down Summer had used in her, but chose not to comment. She guessed this is how normal families behaved.

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