Chapter 7: I don't want to go!

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"The World without Time?" Summer asked in bewilderment. Nobody had a semblance this powerful. Was this jus another mirage? She swung her blade into a raindrop and saw it pass right through it without making a mark. So it was an illusion.

Suddenly another kick sent her flying into the center of the clearing. She coughed as she crawled onto her hands and knees. She had to do something, but what? If she used her semblance, she'd just draw it to a stalemate until she drained her aura. But how could she fight without being able to see?

"Aaahhh!" Summer jolted up as the sound of Cinder screaming in pain. But she had no idea where the fight was taking place.

"Leave her alone you cowered!" Summer yelled. She heard a laugh somewhere behind her. She ran towards it, swinging wildly through the air. But a powerful kick sent her flying backwards onto the ground.

"So you want me to finish you first? Fine by me!" Summer had just gotten to her feet when a barrage of kicks began pelting her. Gritting her teeth, Summer threw a hand full of petals into the air where they scattered all around her.

Immediately she felt Rouge in front of her. She lashed out with her sword, but found metal instead. Summer gripped her sword with both hands and tried to pull him off balance, but as she pulled, the blade began twisting the opposite direction.

Then there was a deafening blast of a gunshot right next to her. Summer heard a loud crack as she fell back, her sword breaking in two.

She gasped as she looked at her broken sword. How was she supposed to fight without her weapons? Before she could think of another strategy, she felt him lash out again, Summer barely had time to dodge, the broken blade appeared as it flowed out from the sword breaker and clattered several feet away.

The petals were the only reason she was able to keep up, but without knowing which part of him the petals were on, she was left guessing how to dodge. Suddenly, two gunshots resounded and a single shot hit her in the chest, blasting her away.

Summer landed in a puddle a few feet away. Her petals vanished along with her aura, now she had nothing to protect herself with. Weakly, Summer pulled herself up. She had to think of something fast. Next shot would kill her.

But something had caught her attention. She had heard two shots, but only one had hit her. Maybe using his semblance had some negative effect on himself. She didn't know, but it had helped her formulate a plan, it was risky, but it was her only hope.

Immediately she ran towards her broken blade at top speed. She could hear his footsteps behind her, but she ignored it and kept running. Then gunfire echoed from behind her, but every one of his shots missed her completely. That gave Summer hope.

She slid across the ground and grabbed her broken blade. But as a bullet hit her leg, tearing through her calf, the pain caused the shard to slip through her fingers and clatter a few inches away. Summer bit her lip to stop herself from screaming, but her gamble had paid off. She was right. Somehow, using his semblance took a toll on his aim. She wasn't sure how or why, but it seemed reasonable.

Using the last of her ice dust, Summer froze the water around her, making a frozen ring all around her. But the ice was thin. Far too thin to make Rouge slip. Summer closed her eyes and waited. Everything hinged on the next few seconds.

The clearing fell into silence, not a sound to be heard except the rain seemed that had become deafening.

Then she heard it, the crunch of ice to her left. That was all she needed. Summer spun, driving the hilt of her sword forward until it met bone.

Immediately the mirage vanished, and Summer saw Rouge, her sword smashed into his shoulder causing his aura to flicker. Summer smirked, one more hit and she had won.

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