Chapter 35: Boiling point

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Music Fest was in full swing on its first day. The venue was already packed and people were practically swarming in trying to find their favorite bands.

The Three Dragons were no different, they were performing one of their classics pop songs to a stadium so packed, the people attending couldn't move with bumping into one another.

"Huh, talk about a safety hazard. If a fire were to break out, most of these guys wouldn't make it. How did this get approved?" Cinder said as she leaned against the wall backstage listening to the song as she watched the large screen showing the performance. "If I snapped my fingers, everything would go up in flames. And I'm so terribly bored right now."

"Don't even think about it!" Adam's voice shot through her ear piece causing the girl to flinch. "What's wrong with you?! In case you forget, we're in here too! Light a fire and we'll all die together! Why would you even say something like that?!"

"Geez. Relax, would you?" Cinder said, sticking a finger in her ear. "I was joking. No need to shout."

"Well stop joking then!"

"Would both of you please stop that? We need to stay focused today! Failing your first mission is never a good start to a career." Amber said as she monitored the cameras in the security room. Her eyes glowing a bright shade of gold. "Enough talking. It's time for your reports. See anything suspicious or out of place? Remember, nothings too small to mention."

"Pfft! Why are you even asking? We can all see what the others are looking at." Cinder replied as she glanced in a nearby mirror looking at her own glowing, golden eyes. She had to admit, Amber had a pretty handy semblance. With this active, anyone could get the perfect vantage point or watch their own back.

"Glad to be part of the team!" Eric replied through the earpiece from his post. He had been stationed in between the stage and the audience. The stage was elevated and a small cubbyhole had been fitted under the stage with easy access onto it. What's more, there had been a one way window set up so whoever was Inside could look out at the audience without being seen. The perfect place for security to hide.

"So, do tell what it's like to be in the club! I'd love to hear it as the only one not hooked up to the Amber camera." He quipped as he scanned the stadium, looking for any hostility for the fans, causing Cinder to roll her eyes.

"Let me rephrase." She said in a mischievous tone. "Everyone important can see."


"Cinder. Would you please stop?" Amber reprimanded, her tone sounding tired. "Sorry, Eric. But I can only link a total of three people at once. And one of them has to be me. It's the way my semblance works. Even after all my years of training, I still don't understand why that's one of its conditions."

"Well, don't beat yourself up over it. I know a thing or two about having a weird quirk in their semblance." Adam said as he stepped carefully through the scaffolding. He was positioned above the lights and was impossible to see as it was almost complete darkness. But with his vision being the way it was, he could see as if it was perfectly lit.

Cinder knew most Faunus had incredible night vision, but seeing it through Adman's eyes was something else entirely! She had developed good eyesight in the dark from both training at the Glass Unicorn and navigating its vents, but there was only far training could get a human. And it was nothing compared to Adam's! He could see so clearly that the area might as well have had light flooding every corner!

And now that she thought about it, the Phantom had unrealistic night vision as well. Back when he attacked them at Mr. Beige's house, he had been able to see and attack in complete darkness that not even Cinder could see through. Could he be a Faunus as well?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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