Chapter 8: New beginnings

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Summer sat in a hospital bed, typing away on a laptop Tai had brought her from home. It had been three days since the attack, and while her leg had fully healed, her eye was another story. Not only was it completely gone, but they had to scrap any residue to avoid rotting. The part of her temple that had been blasted off during the fight had been replaced with metal that had an attachable eyepatch to cover the damage.

She had to admit, she didn't mind the look. Gave her the war hardened hero look that Qrow wears so well. She wondered if she should try a selfie like all the kids were doing. She doubted Glynda would approve, but Qrow might get a kick out of it once it got to him, wherever he was. Or maybe he'd be mortified and rush to Patch himself. She decided to just mention her one eyed state and like them all judge when she was eventually called in.

She had been finishing a report to Ozpin about the attack. Who it was, who had ordered it, and what they we're after. (Thank goodness her opponent had been a chatterbox.) Tai had told her that Oz had been fighting Salem for centuries and could wait a few more days, but Summer had chosen to write it anyway. She needed to know what Salem could want with Ruby.

"How's the report?" Summer jump as Tai entered the room, carrying Tupperware with some homemade food inside.

"Oh! It's okay. Not putting the kind of flare you do, but it's straight to the point. So we'll probably hear from the old man soon." Summer replied, closing her laptop as Tai took a seat on the edge of her bed. "Aren't you going to scold me for not resting? That's normally what happened back in Beacon when I was too reckless."

"No." Tai chuckled. "I've long since accepted you will always put the mission above yourself. As frustrating as it is, I've come to accept it." Summer smiled sheepishly. She never liked worrying Tai, or any of her teammates for that matter. She just put others' needs above herself.

"Soo…" Summer began hesitantly. "Did they find his body?" She saw Tai bite his lip nervously. "They found his remains." He said simply. "Nothing too distinguishable, but they confirmed it by… a serving face…part." Immediately, Summer felt herself lose her appetite. As glad as she was that Rouge was dead, maybe she didn't want all the details.

"Ruby, Yang, and Cinder are outside." Tai said, causing Summer's head to wipe back around. "They wanted to see you, even tried to bribe me with they're savings. Or at least Ruby and Yang did. Cinder has been…well…quiet."

Summer bit her lip uneasily. She knew Cinder blamed herself for Summer's injuries, especially her lost eye. Cinder had snuck into her hospital room late one night and apologized profusely until her throat was raw. Summer had told her not to blame herself for the lost eye, but the stubborn girl hadn't listened and just kept apologizing.

She hadn't seen Cinder since that night.

"I see." She said simply. "Could you let them in? I want to see my children." Up till now, she had been unable to be visited by anyone except Tai. The doctor believed (perhaps rightly so.) that the young kids might be a little too rough with an injured patient.

At first Summer had argued, but her doctor had treated many huntsmen and huntresses over his long career. He knows how to shut Summer down quickly and effortlessly.

But now, he had finally approved their visit, and she couldn't wait to see her children.

Tai nodded and got up. He left the room and Summer could hear voices on the other side of the door. Then…



Ruby and Yang rushed through the door and threw themselves onto her, wrapping her in their warm hugs. Immediately Ruby bursts into a barrage of questions that make Summer's medicated head spin.

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