Chapter 9: A living legend

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Cinder ran back home from the Patch Library as the sun set behind her. It had been one and a half months since she had been adopted by Summer and her family. She was now studying for the entrance exam for Signal academy. She would have to pass a written exam and a practical exam to get in. And given that fact she struggled to read and write, she needed all the time she could get.

Today she had been preparing for the written exam and lost track of time. She was supposed to babysit Ruby and Yang as Tai had left Patch to get ready for the school year. Normally, Summer would stay and watch them. She was still recovering from her battle with Rouge and until she was at a hundred percent, she was to stay at home.

But her old school master had called her for a briefing about the attack. When she asked why the headmaster cared, Summer had informed her that they were close.

But when Cinder brought up Salem, Summer had dodged the question. Saying something like she didn't have to worry about it, or that it was slang for something among Vale huntsmen. Cinder wasn't stupid enough to believe her, (Summer was a terrible liar.) but chose not to press the subject. She could find out who Salem was on her own.

When she got home, Cinder went to her room to dump her books there. As she entered, she basked in its now more homelike aesthetic, with clothes in the closet and poster on the wall. Summer, Ruby, and Tai had been incredibly welcoming and friendly to her, Ruby even went as far as trying to sleep in the same bed as Cinder, but the older girl would always march her to her own room every time she tried.

Of course there was one voice of discontent over Cinder's addition to the family, Yang.

She had completely blown up when she found out, and was now refusing to interact with anyone but Ruby. Whenever Cinder was in the house, Yang would lock herself in her room and not come out until she thought nobody was looking. And even then it was only to go to the bathroom or get something from the kitchen.

Cinder didn't mind Yang's behavior though. In fact, she thought it was an improvement! But Tai had asked her to try and get along with Yang, or if nothing else to not aggravate her. She was part of the family now, so she would have to try to get along with everyone, including Yang.

Cinder dumped her books on her bed and turned to leave, but paused when her gaze stopped on a display case in the corner of her room. The remains blades had been gathered and given back to her. She had put the broken pieces in the case for emergencies. Although, the only usable part were the handle that still had some of the blade still attached. She had gotten several magazines of weapons so she could think about what she wanted for a replacement. But even after everything that happened, Cinder found herself reluctantly to move on to a new weapon.

"Sigh. Cinder you idiot." She berated herself. "When did you get so sentimental? Just throw them away with the rest of your past." She opened the case and picked up one of the pieces and stared at herself in the reflection of the broken blade. "I'm not running." She told herself. "I never have to run ever again. You were wrong." She turned and made her way to her trash can.

She was about to drop it in when a rotten hand shot out grabbing her wrist.

"Still running, I see." A familiar, hallowed voice said.

Cinder's heart stopped as she stared up at Rhodes. His figure was rotting away in places. He still had the slash mark from when she killed him. His eyes were empty black voids that still stared her down. Black liquid dripped from the injury on his chest and out his empty eye-sockets.

"No." Cinder breathed. "No! You're dead! Go away! Leave me alone!" Rhodes ignore her cries and took his mace from his back. "Running is all you'll ever do." He said as he raised it high into the air. "You never change." He said, then brought it down with enough force to crush her head.

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