Chapter 31: Through eyes of Amber

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In a small village surrounded by trees, a small girl sat on the ground in her school's playground, staring up at her classmates and their parents who surrounded her as tears streamed down her face.

"What's up with you?!" A boy yelled. "What kind of sick freak are you that have a semblance like that?! What?! Are you some kind of narcissist?! Monster!"

"I'm not!" The dark skinned girl sobbed, but her classmates were already chanting monster and pointing at her. And soon, even more hurtful words were being thrown at her.

"Freak! I knew you should have stayed away from you!"

"You can change people with your semblance? Monster! You should go die!"

"How dare you use that freak of an ability on my son! Get out of here! You've cursed this village! Go die you freak! Die and give me my son back!"

The small girl had her hands covering her ears, yet could still hear every word. The words of her classmates and their parents filled her head making it feel like it was going to explode! She couldn't take it!

Standing up, she pushed her way past the ring of people and ran towards a small house on the edge of the village. But even as she ran, the voice followed her, getting louder and harsher with each step she took.

By the time she reached the house, she could hear the cacophony of voices screaming at her to go and die! That it was her fault that Grimm had started to get closer. That several people had died to them because she called them closer.

"Stop being so navigate! Can't you just grow up and learn to accept responsibility?!"

"My husband died because he went out when you were being all gloomy!"

"Your parents fought in the war and now your negativity is drawing in Grimm! Have you no respect for their service?!

"You're a blight on this place! Why can't you just die already! The world would be better off without you!"

The girl threw open the door and rushed inside her home, slamming the door behind her. She ran straight into the living room and into the comforting arms of her parents.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry I'm a curse! Please, make it stop! Please!" She begged her parents, who wrapped her in a loving embrace, smothering the voices and letting the girl rest.

"Oh dear. Are you having a hard time again?" Her mother asked, gently rubbing her back. "Don't worry, those people aren't the ones you should be listening to. Remember, it's your father's and mine are the one that matter."

"That's right." Her father chimed in, wrapping his arms around the girl too. "You don't have to answer to them. You are your mother's daughter and daddy's little girl. We're the ones you should listen to too."

The girl hugged them tighter, feeling the warmth fill her up as she was cradled in their arms. Safe and secure for the voices that bombard their home. Her parents' voices were the only ones she needed to listen to.

"And you're such a terrible daughter. Getting us killed so selfishly!"

Immediately the girl looked up to see her bounce roof being ripped off and the walls falling away. Chains shot down from the now blood red sky, wrapping tightly around her parents, ripping them through the roof screaming as their body's were torn open.

"You killed us! You horrible, wrenches girl!" Her mother screamed as her arms were ripped off and she was split open at the crotch and blood sprayed out of it. "How dare you leave us to die! I wish I never had you! Stupid ugly daughter! They were right about you! You are a curse!"

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