Chapter 11: Gentle dragon or venomous serpent

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Okay. I have no idea how to put a proper Author's note on this site, so if this is jarring, I apologize.

From this point on, the story is going to become a tad more lore driven. As such, I'm putting the official time line here. If you want proper context, make sure to read Thoroughly! I won't be giving any dates as RWBY doesn't have the same year system as real life.

The war the characters are constantly talking about is the Great War. The one started by the king of Atlas all those years ago. It started at the same time and for the same reason, but do to Salem's interference, it dragged on for much longer. Ending only a few years after Ruby was born.

The Faunus rebellion also happened around the same time as canon, but at that point the war was still raging. So it's counted as part of the Great War.

After many years of fighting, the united front of Vale, Vacuo, and a Atlas rebel force led by Ironwood fought their way to the king and killed him.

Now peace between the kingdoms have been established, but tension between the kingdoms are still high.

Many ant-peace factions have formed and are getting stronger. Many adults fear a second Great War and Ozpin have been forced to use his influence in each kingdom to try to hold them together.

This is going to be very important in the coming chapters. So I suggest you keep this info in mind when reading.

Anyway, hope you enjoy doing didn't find this to jarring. Now on to the chapter. Bye!


Summer stared at the ceiling of the oriental elevator. Maybe it was her she hadn't been here since Raven left, but it seemed smaller than she remembered.

Her hand moved up and touched the eye patch that covered her face. It was a white leather piece embroidered with a red rose that covered her right eye as well as the part of her skull that had been blown off in the fight. She had briefly thoughts about going back to Atlas to see if they had something to replace her eye. She vaguely remembered a doctor who made fake limbs for people, civilian and military alike. She remembered hearing about him during the war. That he could have made himself rich by selling powerful augmentation to the kingdoms, but he chose to help people for free. Anyone, no matter their kingdom or position would be denied if they need help. If only more people were like that. Then maybe Remnant wouldn't be in such a sorry state.

In a rare occurrence, Summer snapped out of her daydream before she was called too. The ding of the elevator told her she had arrived. With another deep breath, she entered Ozpin's office.

The headmaster sat at his desk, hands clasped in front of him as always. To his right was Glynda Goodwitch, his second in command. She was holding a file and had her signature stern expression as always. Even when they were attending Beacon, the upper classmates had been all business, something that hadn't changed over the years.

And to his left was a big surprise.

"Qrow! I wasn't expecting you here!" She rushed forward and pulled her teammate into a tight hug.

"Yeah, well, Oz said it was important." Qrow said as Summer pulled away. "I see you got a new look. Is it practical or are you just trying to be goth like Raven?" Summer playfully stuck out her tongue at him.

Ozpin cleared his throat causing the two teammates to look over at him. Both respectfully approached his desk and got comfortable. Summer sat in the chair she had always sat in when she had gotten in trouble in school. Qrow leaned lazily against the wall and took a swig from his flask.

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