Chapter 12: Similar situation

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Cinder ran through the forest. Her lungs burned and her feet hurt. But she was determined to put as much distance between herself and that Grimm. Behind her, she could hear Zwei panting so she knew the others were keeping up.

How the hell was that thing so tough!? She had faced Beowolfs before, but they never took that much of a beating! She was well aware her semblance wasn't that developed, but even so, she should have killed it with her last attack!


A cry behind her caused Cinder to look over her shoulder to see Ruby had fallen and was struggling to get up with Yang (who had put Zwei down.) attempting to help Ruby up. Annoyed, she skidded to a halt, then went back to the sisters.

"Come on! Get up! We have to go!" Cinder said angrily as she grabbed Ruby by the arm and forced her to her feet. However, when she set the young girl up right, she let out a cry of pain and fell onto her butt.

Blood flowed from her knee out of a nasty scrap and Ruby looked ready to cry. Yang gave her shoulder a reassuring squeeze before looking at Cinder. "She needs to rest and do something to stop the bleeding." She explained. "I think there's a river nearby. If we-."

"No. We keep going." Cinder cut in harshly. "We don't know if that fire killed the Grimm. And if it's alive we need to put as much distance between us and it as fast as possible. Now stop being a baby and get up!" She made to grab Ruby and force her to her feet, but Yang stepped in between them, glaring at the older girl.

"She needs to rest!" Yang yelled. "We need to stop the bleeding now, or risk infection!" Cinder glared at Yang, then raised her hand, showing off the deep cuts all across her palm.

"This is much worse!" She snarled as blood ran down her arm. "And I'm not crying like a baby! So shut the hell up, and let's get moving! I'm the oldest! And Summer left me in charge! So you have to do what I say! Now move!"

Yang curled her hands into fists angrily. She understood Cinder had a point, but at the same time she wasn't going to put Ruby's life on the line for a hypothesis.

"Well, I say we rest!" Yang shot back, making Cinder tremble with rage. "Dad says rest is important, because without it you can't do much else! And my opinion is that dad knows wh-!"

"Shut up!" Cinder bellowed, silencing Yang immediately.

"It's your fault we're in this situation to begin with!" Cinder screamed at the Yang who's eyes began to widen in surprise. She had never been yelled at like this before. "You don't get an opinion! Every idea you've ever had has been making problems for everyone else! So for once in your useless life, SHUT! THE! FUCK! UP!"

Before Yang could react, Cinder smashed her fist into Yang's face. The blow knocked the girl onto the ground and caused blood to pour from her nose.



Ruby and Zwei rushed to Yang's side, both checking if the girl was alright. She was bleeding heavily, but her nose didn't appear to be broken.

"See. Ruby can move just fine." Cinder said shortly. "Now get up and keep going." Without another word, Cinder turned around and began walking.

Yang lay on the ground staring up at Cinder's retreating back. Then her gaze turned to the ground and a feeling of despair filled her stomach. Cinder was right, all she had ever done was cause trouble for everyone else. Even putting herself and Ruby in danger just because she wasn't the center of attention. She should just shut up and let the older girl make the decisions.

"Yang, are you okay?" Ruby asked as she helped her sister up, a worried look in her eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Yang replied, then she stepped ahead of Ruby and knelt down offering her back. "Climb on." She said, looking back at the younger girl. "You can't run like that. I'll carry you."

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