Chapter 15: A parent's love, a liar's scheme

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So I'm not sure what happened, but the author's note last chapter got cut off. So I'm going to repost it here. This is just a quick explanation of what's going on in this version of Remnant. These will all become very important to the plot later, so keep parts of all this in mind for now.

The White Fang hasn't fallen to their radical methods do to the prologued war. And Ghira is still the leader.

The Eternal Dynasty are a group of loyalists who believe the royal family is the only one who should rule the kingdom. They view both Vale and the new Atlas government as traitors. Basically, they hate everyone because Atlas lost the war.

Mantle changed their name to Atlas sometime early in the war.

Their is a gang of Atlas hating people in Vale who want the kingdom to be wiped off the face of Remnant because their angry about the war. That took the name Enlighten Seraphim. And their extremely popular among younger people.

All of these factions will play a part in the story, so feel free to look back at this for reference if you need it.

But I'm done rambling. I hope you enjoyed, bye!
Cinder raced across an open field. The first obstacle was a type of mine field with numerous traps strum across it. Behind her, she could hear her classmates being covered with color paint signaling their failure.

To her, the traps were obvious enough and when she did set one off, the clicking sound was enough to alert her immediately. Giving her enough time to dodge.

Soon she had cleared this joke of an obstacle and was quickly moving to the second. A cliff she had to scale.

Wasting no time, Cinder ran at the wall, keeping her chest high, she was able to use her moment to carry her a good few feet up. As she felt herself slow down, she pulled Midnight off her back and drove the blades into the wall.

She shifted her position so she was above her blade, then began forcing heat into the rock her blade had pierced. She could see steam coming by the time the rest of her class reached the cliff and started their climb.

Slow pokes.

Cinder released the heat causing an explosion that rocketed her up. She easily flew high above the cliff, letting her see the next obstacle and control her landing so she could fall gracefully onto the top of the cliff. She ran on, ignoring the screaming below her as her classmates were pelted with rocks from the blast.

Cinder's heart was hammering against her chest. She was making good time. If she kept this pace up she just might set a new record.

The next obstacle was a field of training dummies made up of different segments that rotated. Each segment had two long poles attached to it, so it could hit you as it spun. The objective was to get through them without breaking your aura.


Cinder drew both Midnight's blades from her back and charged into the thick of it. She effortlessly dodged and danced through them, her blades slashing all around her not letting a single pole close to her.

As she reached the halfway point, she leapt onto one of the dummy's head. Using it as a springboard, she jumped high into the air where she slammed both half of Midnight together, using her semblance to bind the glass at the hilts.

Pulling two arrows from her quiver, she fired both of them into the ground several feet apart. There was a short pause, then the arrows exploded, burning the dummies to ashes.

With her way clear, Cinder landed in the charred area. She glanced back and saw her classmates had just reached the top of the cliff. They would be here soon. "Don't say I never do anything for you people." She muttered to herself as she ran ahead.

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