Chapter 19: Black tooth, Autumn leaf

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The next morning, Cinder was swept up by the crowd of people getting ready for the exam. They had all been seated in a massive cafeteria where the students would normally eat, but as this was an entrance exam the regular students weren't required to arrive until later tonight.

All around her people were talking about forming teams. Many were trying to get together with friends or classmates so as not to be left alone. Cinder noticed Adam was with the sheep Faunus from last night. She noticed he also had a White Fang insignia on his vest. They must know each other before coming here.

Across the way, the dark skinned girl was yakking away to the two poor fools next to her. Cinder couldn't tell if it was nerves or if she was just so dense she hadn't noticed they were getting sick of listening to her.

As she continued to scan the room, she noticed the white hair boy wasn't around. Strange, she knew the cafeteria was open all day until the exams started. Had he come in really early to eat then left?

A loud clap caught her attention. All eyes turned to see professor Goodwitch at the door. "The entry exam begins in one hour!" She said loudly so everyone could hear her. "I suggest you go prepare yourselves and get to the Emerald Cliffs within that time. Anyone late to the cliff will lose their chance to enter Beacon and be promptly sent home!"

Her stem tone was followed by the scraping of chairs as several students began getting to their feet and making their way to the door. However, she wasn't done.

"What's more. I have received a report that last night a fight almost broke out in the ballroom!" Immediately, everyone went deathly quite. Cinder saw the two responsible tense up as Goodwitch continued.

"I shall remind everyone here that fighting outside of any class activities will not be tolerated! There will be severe punishments involved if ANY of you break this rule! This includes, but is not limited to suspension or even expulsion depending on the severity!" Goodwitch paused as she scanned the room, her gaze cold. "Remember, you are here to train to be the next protectors of humanity. We expected you to act like it!"

With that, Goodwitch turned on her heel and left.

The students glanced over at the two responsible, but Faunus said nothing. He walked past them and out of the dinner hall accompanied by the boy he was talking to before. Not long after, the rest of the student body followed them out.

As Cinder got to the door, she was jostled roughly by a passing student.

"Hey! You blind or something!" She snapped, causing the person to turn around. Immediately she recognized Callum and her glare became more intense. She was already getting sick of this loser.

"That's the second time you've bumped me. If you do it a third, I'll make sure you can't walk into me ever again!" She snarled, causing Callum to clench his hand into a fist.

"Don't get cocky! You got the jump on me before, but next time we fight you won't get so lucky!" He snarled, then before she could respond, pushed his way to the front of the crowd leaving Cinder struggling to go after him to get the last word.

In the locker room, Cinder put her arrows into the quiver on her hip. Then put a cap on to ensure they didn't fall out. She glanced around the room and saw most of the other students were finishing their preparation as well.

Her fingers traced the pendant around her neck. She couldn't fail, not after all the support she had gotten from her family. She would be the first to finish the entrance exam, no question. Anything less would be an insult to them.

Reaching into her locker, she took out the cloak Summer had given her. She had planned on wearing it the day she got her first mission, but after the death of Mr. Beige, she realized sometimes she shouldn't wait for the perfect opportunity. She regretted not showing it to him when she had the chance.

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