Day 3

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Gumball sniffed as he sat on the bottom of the stairs, ears low, knees tucked in as he had his arms wrapped around them tightly.

He quietly let out a whimper as he watched his mother, who was sitting on the sofa, deep in thought. She looked both annoyed but also hurt as she sat there in silence.

He felt his eyes welling up as the guilt continued to grow, for you see it was his fault she was as hurt and upset as she currently was.

Earlier that day the two of them had ended up getting into a pretty bad argument with each other and Gumball, in the heat of the moment, had ended up snapping at and insulting her, saying some pretty hurtful things he really hadn't meant.

After he had she'd just looked at him with the same painful look of hurt on her face before silently walking away, and she'd refused to speak to him at all ever since.

He'd tried apologizing to her already but she hadn't said a word, or even looked at him. She'd just completely ignored him.

He could feel the pit in his stomach open the second he had finished his outburst, and it had only grown worse when she'd walked away. He felt horrible for insulting her like he had, especially at Christmas.

He sighed. There had to be something he could do to make it up to her, but what?

He thought about what to do as he looked around for inspiration and eventually his eyes landed on the cupboards in the kitchen. Mom had only been shopping a few days ago so there should be plenty of ingredients in there for him to make something for her.

He smiled weakly as he thought back to when he was younger. He'd used to make cookies with her every Christmas. He'd always make such a mess, but she'd never seemed to mind and had just been glad that he was having so much fun.

As he thought more about it, he realized they would be the perfect thing to make for her. Though he'd never tried it on his own he was sure he could remember the recipe.

Just those alone though wouldn't be special enough...he had to do something else...

As he continued to think, he kept returning to his memories of them making cookies together, as suddenly a brilliant idea popped into his head.

He began to smile. Yes, it'd be perfect! She would be sure to love it, he knew she would!

He excitedly got up and headed to the kitchen to put his plan into motion.

Two hours later and they were finally ready. Luckily his mother hadn't paid any attention to what he was doing in the kitchen, being too deep in her thoughts and not wanting to pay any attention to him at the moment, so she hadn't questioned what he was doing or tried to stop him.

He sheepishly walked over and cleared his throat. "H-Hey Mom. I'm...I'm really sorry about what I said to you earlier. I...I really didn't mean it, honestly..."

She made a glance at him but then immediately looked away again.

"I...I made something for you to apologize, something that I hope might cheer you up a bit..."

TAWOG Fanfic Advent 2022Where stories live. Discover now