Day 4

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It was lunchtime at the Watterson's house and Carrie had come over to hang out for a while. Gumball was out with Penny at the moment so it was just her and Darwin with Anais, who'd decided to join them.

The three chatted as Nicole was walking between the kitchen and dining room, preparing the table for lunch as she had invited her parents over to try and actually enjoy some time with them at Christmas and finally catch up with them.

As she set out the cutlery she turned to Carrie. "Would you like to join us, Carrie? We have more than enough here." Nicole offered, not wanting her to feel left out.

"Oh, no thanks, Mrs. Watterson. I'm fine." She declined.

"Are you sure? It's no problem, really." She smiled.

"I would but I can't eat because well...y'know.." She gestured down to herself.

"Oh, right, of course! Sorry, I always forget about that..." She apologized.

Carrie smiled. "It's alright, most people do."

"I don't!" Darwin smiled proudly.

She smiled at him. "Most people."

Nicole chuckled and went back into the kitchen.

"You know you could've just used my body if you'd wanted."

"Nah it's fine. I don't want you to miss out on time with your grandparents just so I can eat."

"Aww, Carrie..." He smiled and leaned in, kissed her.

"Bleugh." Anais looked away.

"Hey, what's wrong with us kissing?" Darwin asked.

"Nothing. I just don't get the appeal of it. I mean what's so enjoyable about smacking your lips together with someone?"

"You'll understand in a few years, trust me." Carrie winked.

"Nah, I think you're just jealous." Darwin giggled.

"What!? No, I'm not!" She crossed her arms.

Carrie grinned. "Awwww, does someone want a smooch from us too!? Come here!"

The two made kissing noises and playfully tried to kiss her as she held them back with her arms and broke into a fit of giggles. "Ah, no, no, stop it, stop, ahahahahahahaha! Ahahahahahahahah!"

They stopped and let her regain her composure as their Mom came in again with a tray of glasses filled with milky white liquid.

"Ooh, is that eggnog!?" Darwin asked excitedly.

"Yes, but you lot can't have any. It's alcoholic." She gave him a stern look.

"Awww..." He replied sounding disappointed.

She then smiled. "But I didn't want you kids to feel left out so..." She went back into the kitchen and came out with a second tray. "...I made some non-alcoholic ones just for you!"

"Yes!" Anais cheered.

She chuckled. "I thought you'd appreciate it, You lot enjoy them" She smiled and walked back into the kitchen, and Anais and Darwin both got up to get a class.

"Oh and make sure to leave some from your brother!" She called out.

"We will!" Darwin called back.

As Darwin and Anais helped themselves to a glass Carrie looked at it longingly, but then quickly looked away as Darwin noticed.

"You want some?" Darwin asked.

"Well...I've never really tried it before but I've heard it sounds good..."

"Then try some!" Anais offered a glass to her.

"How? It'd just go right through me!"

Darwin gestured to himself. "Hello? You have a perfectly willing body right here."

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Yeah, of course! I don't want you to feel left out!"

She smiled. "Thanks, Dar." She gave him a kiss on the cheek before possessing his body

He transformed into his ghoulish possessed look.

"Let's do this..." He spoke before she took the eggnog from Anais, who let out a small giggle.

She drank it, and everything seemed fine for a moment until his eyes suddenly widened before he spat it out, and Carrie come out from his body coughing and spluttering.

"Agh, what the!" She managed to say through her coughs.

"Carrie? What happened?" Darwin asked, now back to normal.

"That was an alcoholic one! I was not expecting that kick!"

"Why'd you pick it then?"

"I didn't! Anais gave it to..."

A look of realization dawned on her and she crossed her arms as the two turned around to see Anais snickering with a large grin on her face.

As Carrie gave her a fake look of annoyance she burst out in a fit of laughter. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I couldn't resist! You should have seen your face!"

Carrie looked back at Darwin and the two smiled at each and chuckled.

Carrie then sighed and rolled her eyes before chuckling and rubbing her head between the ears which made her giggle."What am I gonna do with you, hey? You're just as bad as they are..."

Darwin chuckled. "Yeah, that's my little sister for you...she may act all smart and mature, but deep down she's just an adorable little rascal..."

Carrie turned to him and smiled.

"She's my little sister too...and I wouldn't want her any other way..."

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