Day 16

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(If you can play 'The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Theme" please do so now.)

The school courtyard was a battlefield, snowballs hailing from every direction. Students were running around, diving behind trees, hiding behind benches, and any cover they could find as this all-out war in the school courtyard ensued.

"Quickly, into the climbing frame!" Anais called out to Gumball and Darwin, the three working together as a team.

The three dived inside the bars and flinched as snowballs began to pelt in their direction, hitting the bars of the frame.

"What do we do!? There's too many of them!" Darwin exclaimed.

"We need to stay calm and come up with a plan!" Anais ordered them.

"Kind of hard when the entire playground is trying to obliterate you with snowballs!" Gumball replied.

"We can fight back!" Darwin suggested. He looked out over one of the bars and immediately screamed and dived back down as a wave of snowballs was catapulted his way. "Okay, maybe not!"

Gumball took a peak around the corner and saw some of their classmates were now coming towards the climbing frame, Darwin having revealed their position. "Darwin, they saw you! They're coming for us!"

"Ah, we're screwed!"

"Okay, don't panic! We'll figure something out!" Anais tried to calm them down. She looked around and saw a dumpster near them, "There! We can hide behind that dumpster!" She pointed to it.

"Are you crazy!? There's no way we'll get there without being hit!" Gumball argued.

"We have to try, it's the only idea we've got!" She insisted.

"I don't looks really bad out there..." Darwin worried.

"We'll we can't stay here! It's that dumpster or out in the open!" She argued.

"Okay, fine, let's do it!" Gumball and Darwin finally agreed.

"Okay, on the count of 3 we all make a run for it. Ready?" She explained the plan.

The two nodded and she nodded back. "Okay...3, 2, 1...GO!"

The three sprinted out of the climbing frame and made a mad dash toward the dumpster.

Darwin made it first, being able to run faster with his long legs, but Gumball realized Anais was trailing behind him, struggling to keep up. He ran back for her and took a hold of her arm, beginning to pull her along with him.

They were about to make it to the dumpster but Gumball's eyes widened as he saw a wave of snowballs heading right toward him and Anais.

In a split-second decision, he pushed Anais behind the dumpster and out of the way, taking the hits from the snowballs himself in a heroic act of sacrifice.

He dramatically took each snowball, stumbling backward, and fell to the floor as he pretended he was dying ."Gumball, no!" His two siblings called out with a horrified gasp, playing along.

"Brother...sister...avenge me..." He held his arm out towards them before dropping it and going limp as he 'died'.

Darwin and Anais sat with their backs to the dumpster, Darwin tearing up as he mourned his fallen sibling. "I can't believe he gave his life for you like that..."

Anais placed her paw on his shoulder. "It was a heroic final act, and we're gonna make damn sure it wasn't in vain! Understood?"

Darwin nodded and raised his fin in a salute. "Yes ma'am!"

She broke character for a second and broke into a fit of giggles, before regaining her composure. "Great! Now, the question is how exactly we do that..."

"There has to be something around here we can use!" Darwin replied.

As snowballs continued to pelt the front of the dumpster, and their enemies neared ever closer Anais studied her surroundings, trying to find something they could use to their advantage. Suddenly, she noticed something right next to the dumpster, buried in snow, with only the very top of it visible.

"Is that...?" She quickly crawled over to it and brushed the snow off it. Her face lit up as she saw it was exactly what she thought it was. She turned to Darwin grinning. "Darwin, I have an idea!"

Meanwhile, the students turned around to gather more snowballs. When they turned back around their eyes widened in horror as they saw Anais sitting on top of a tennis ball pitching machine, Darwin filling it as fast as he could with snowballs.

She smirked. "Say hello to my little friend!" She switched it on and yelled a battle cry as it began to fire snowballs like a machine gun.

As Anais continued to fire Darwin had an idea of his own. He used his suction powers to suck up as many snowballs as he could, filling his mouth to the brim with them, before also beginning to fire them out like a machine gun.

The other students were completely overwhelmed. Some covered themselves with their arms and tried to continue forwards, but the gunfire was just too strong for them. Others began to retreat backward, some tripping and falling over, as others sprinted away as fast as they could.

Eventually, every other student had either given up or was too scared to try and fight back, making Anais and Darwin the victors.

The two laughed as Darwin picked up Anais from the pitching machine and began to spin her around as he hugged her. "Ah, we did it, we did it! We actually won!"

As the two celebrated the bell for the end of lunch rang and the other students groaned as they began to get up and wipe the snow off themselves.

Gumball walked over, grinning and dusting himself off as he laughed. "Guys, that was incredible! You were awesome!"

Anais ran over and hugged him. "We did it Gumball, we did it! We avenged you like you asked!"

He rubbed her head affectionately. "I know you did, and you were brilliant! What an idea, using the tennis pitching machine like that!"

She blushed and rubbed her arm. "Aww, it was nothing..."

He turned to Darwin. "You two Darwin! Using your sucker powers? Genius!"

"Aww, dude.." He blushed at the compliment.

The two of them hugged Gumball, beaming with pride, happy to have made him proud and have won the fight due to their amazing team.

TAWOG Fanfic Advent 2022Where stories live. Discover now