Day 14

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It was the end of a long day at school and the three Watterson siblings were now back home and sat on the sofa watching TV together, their bags on the floor as they hadn't been bothered to hang them up on the way in.

Gumball and Darwin were laughing at and making comments about the show they were watching, but Anais however was remaining quiet and wasn't paying any attention to it. She instead had her head propped up by her arm, with a dejected expression on her face.

She had been acting off since lunch, being quieter and less engaged in the table's conversation than usual, with the same upset look on her face.

Gumball and Darwin had quickly noticed her unusual behavior and asked her about it, but she had denied that anything was wrong and had refused to say anything else about it.

The two brothers noticed her mood hadn't changed at all since then and were now starting to worry slightly. They both glanced at her and watched as she let out a sigh, before looking at each other with pity. They hated seeing her this upset, it was so unlike her to act this way...

After a couple more minutes they could no longer stand seeing her in her current state and paused the TV program, turning to her.

"Anais, are you sure you're okay?" Darwin asked her concerned as he placed his fin onto her shoulder.

"Hmm? Oh, uh, yeah, I'm...I'm fine..." She replied unconvincingly.

"Come on sis, we can tell you're upset about something..." Gumball pleaded with her.

She looked at the two of them before sighing. "It's just something stupid. It's nothing really..."

She looked away with a sniff and Gumball's ears lowered as he let out a quiet whimper.

Darwin smiled. "Come on, just tell us what's wrong, please...? We're really worried."

"Yeah, and you know that you can tell us anything. No matter how small or stupid you think it is, we're always willing to listen."

She sighed. "Oh...okay then..." She sat up and sniffed as his ears hung low. "During class today one of my classmates announced that she's hosting a Christmas party at her house, a really cool one too, and...and she invited everyone in class...everyone except me..."

The two looked at each other with pity as they finally began to realize why she was so upset all day. She felt rejected and left out...

She teared up slightly. "They went out of their way to make it sound as cool and exciting as possible, then personally handed an invite to every single person in the class except me! Do they have any idea how much it hurt to be deliberately excluded like that!? What did I do to be left out like that?! Why does everyone hate me!? It's so unfair!" Her voice broke as tears began to trickle down her face. "It's so unfair..."

"Oh no, Anais...I'm so sorry..." Darwin's face fell as he began to fill with guilt, despite none of this being his fault.

"Aww, no, Ani...come here..." Gumball held out his arms and Anais crawled over onto his lap, resting her head on his chest, beginning to cry as he wrapped his arms around her.

TAWOG Fanfic Advent 2022Where stories live. Discover now