Day 13

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The Watterson's car drove into the parking lot, and located a good parking spot, pulling up into it.

The front doors opened and out stepped Nicole and Gumball, the latter looking rather annoyed as he was engaged in an argument with her.

"Mom, seriously, why did you have to drag me out of bed to come and do this? On a Saturday?!"

"Because we need to do some Christmas shopping."

"You need to do some Christmas shopping! You didn't need to drag me along with you! It's so unfair!"

"Of course I did!" She argued.

"Why? What do you need me here for!?"

"Because...I need you to help carry the shopping!" She replied, Gumball noticing her hesitation.

He raised his eyebrow. "and why couldn't Darwin or Anais have come instead? You know, the ones who actually enjoy shopping with you!" He replied annoyed.

"Well uhh, Darwin has a date with Carrie later!"

"I have one with Penny as well but that didn't stop you from dragging me out! Besides, Anais still could have come."

"She's only four, she needs her sleep."

He crossed his arms. "She hates being treated like a four-year-old and you know that! Your excuses aren't gonna work on me. Tell me, why am I really here?"

She sighed and slumped in defeat. "I just wanted to spend some time with you, alright? We rarely ever spend time together, just the two of us, and I thought that this would be a perfect opportunity for us to do so."

He rolled his eyes and let out a chuckle. "You seriously went to all of that effort, waking me up and forcing me to come shopping with you... just because you wanted to spend time with me!? Why didn't you just say you wanted to do something with me!?"

She hesitated to answer, looking down.

"Mom...?" He called out, slightly concerned.

"...Because you never would have said yes...because you'd never want to spend time with me..." She finally admitted.

"What...? Why...why would you think that?" His face fell slightly

"Are you kidding? Why would you want to spend time with me when you have your siblings, Penny, Carrie, and all your other friends to choose from instead? You're way too busy hanging out with them to care about me of all people. You have better things to do than spend time with your boring old mother..."

His ears lowered as his face changed to one of pity, hurt that she would genuinely believe something like that. "What...? That...that's not true...of course I care about you...of course I wanna spend time with you..." He slowly took her paw into his own.

She looked at him with a weak smile, as she felt her heart warming. "R-Really?"

"Of course! You're a great Mom, the best even! You go out of your way to look after us every single day, comfort us, care for us, and even do a job you hate just to do so. Not to mention the awesome, but also scary, rage powers you have and your black belt in karate! I mean, why wouldn't I want to spend time with you?!"

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