Day 12

227 6 10

Oneshot suggested by: LUVBUG555

Gumball smiled as sat with Penny at the park, hanging out with her on a date.

The two were telling each other various humourous and embarrassing stories from both recent time and their childhoods.

Usually, they would probably be too embarrassed to re-tell them but seeing as the other was also doing so and since they trusted each other, they felt comfortable enough doing so and were enjoying every moment of their time bonding together.

"and then the lights came back on and turns out, it was my mother!" He giggled.

"What?! You attacked your own mother??" Penny exclaimed."She must have been furious!"

He chuckled. "Nah, she laughed it off and told me she was proud of me for looking after Darwin and Anais."

"Aww, that's so nice of her!"

"I know! Thank God she was okay with it...I was horrified!"

"I would be too if I attacked my own mother! You're so lucky she wasn't mad!" She laughed.

"I know, I thought she was gonna murder me! Literally!" He laughed with her.

As the two continued to laugh Gumball felt a sudden wave of dizziness overcome him as he felt pins and needles in his arms and legs.

He stopped laughing and held onto the side of the bench, his hands beginning to tremble as he began to cry quietly.

Penny noticed and her face turned to one of concern. "Gumball? What's wrong?"

"I...I-I-I don't know..." He began to breathe heavily and hyperventilate as a wave of dread and anxiety hit him. "I...I-I-I'm scared..."

She moved closer and placed her hand on top of his paw. "Hey, hey, it's okay, I'm right here."

He felt his heart race as he began to shake. "I-I'm really scared...I-I-I don't know what's happening!"

"It's okay, just stay calm. Take deep breaths."

"I...I-I-I can't!" He began to panic and Penny noticed his paw had become very sweaty.

"Okay, I-I think you might be having a panic attack. Just...just relax. Deep breaths." She informed him, doing her best to remain calm and collected, though on the inside she too was panicking slightly.

"P-Penny, please, h-help! I'm...I-I-I'm so scared!" He begged her quietly as tears streamed down his face.

She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into a tight hug as had continued to cry. "It's okay, it's alright, I'm right here." She began to stroke the back of his head.

She let out a gasp of pain as she felt him digging his claws into her back as hard as he could, purely out of fear, but she didn't mind, for she knew he couldn't help it in his current state.

She fought her way past the pain and ignored it as best as she cod as she continued to comfort him, squeezing his paw. "Just take deep breaths with me."

TAWOG Fanfic Advent 2022Where stories live. Discover now