Day 23

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It was early December and Gumball was around Penny's house helping her put up the Christmas decorations. Gumball was stood on a ladder, hanging decorations up on the ceiling whilst Penny decorated the tree.

"Thanks for offering to help Gumball. It was really kind of you." She smiled as he placed down the box of decorations.

"Aww, it was no problem. It's the least I can do to help out." He rubbed his head.

"You sure you aren't just doing it to try and impress my dad?" She asked with a smirk as they began to decorate the tree.

He gave a fake gasp of shock. "Whaaat, nooooo, of course not! That's a ridiculous accusation!" He crossed his arms pretending to be insulted.

"Oh really?" She giggled.

He rolled his eyes as a weak smile formed on his face. "Okay, fine, that's part of why I'm doing it." He climbed down the ladder to grab more decorations.

"Part of? What's the other reason then?" She asked, raising her eyebrow.

He smiled and took her hand. "Why, spending time with my wonderful girlfriend of course!"

She chuckled. "Hanging up decorations? Doesn't exactly seem like the most enjoyable thing to do with your girlfriend..."

He grinned. "Any time I get to spend with you is enjoyable."

Her face lit up at his compliment. "Awww, Gummy..." She gave him a quick kiss.

"You're welcome" He giggled.

She went back to decorating the tree, and Gumball was about to grab some more decorations to hang up but paused as his ears pricked up at the sound of something rustling

He looked over and saw Penny taking out a piece of tinsel from the box. As she began to untangle it, he stood and listened to it rustle and watched it shake. He had no idea why but it was so mesmerizing...he just couldn't help but zone out and fixate on it.

Finally untangled, she dragged it across the floor and wraps it around the tree, and Gumball's eyes remained locked onto it, following its every move.

He watched as the end of it dangled back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, and before he knew it he found himself playfully batting the end of it with his paw.

"Gumball, are you okay?" Penny asked as she stifled a laugh.

He snapped out of it, shaking his head, "Huh? Oh, err, yeah. Just...zoned out for a while there, sorry." He smiled awkwardly.

She smiled back and let out a chuckle. "It's fine."

What was that!? Why did he just zone out like that? What did his dumb cat brain find so attractive and mesmerizing about a piece of tinsel of all things?

Before he could think about it any further, his ears suddenly pricked up again and his eyes snapped to the box as Penny took out yet another piece of tinsel, Gumball tried to resist the urge, but it was no use.

He once again zoned out as she untangled it, and once she finally succeed and began to drag it across the floor, Gumball felt his eyes dilate, and his butt begin to shake.

Suddenly, much to Penny's surprise, he pounced on the tinsel on all fours and bit it, holding the end of it in his mouth. Penny was initially taken aback but began to grin as she realized what was happening.

He let go of the tinsel and she hesitated, debating if she should have some fun. She knew it was a little mean to take advantage of him like this, especially when he had no control over himself, but it was only some harmless fun and she was sure that he wouldn't mind.

She began dragging it around the room and Gumball playfully chased it on all fours, trying to catch it in his paws and mouth.

She tried her best not to laugh, as he was acting purely out of instinct and she'd feel bad for laughing at him for something he couldn't help, but she just couldn't keep it in and burst out laughing.

She dragged it across and over the sofa and he diligently followed it, leaping over the sofa and almost grabbing it, but just missing.

As she continued to laugh she dragged it around the sofa repeatedly and as he chased it he began to get dizzy. Eventually, he ran into the back of the sofa and fell over, right onto his butt.

This finally snapped him out of his trance and he looked around confused. "Huh? How did I get down here?"

He looked over and saw her covering her mouth, crying tears of laughter, as she held the piece of tinsel, and he put two and two together his eyes widening as he realized what had happened.

His face turned deep red as he blushed with embarrassment. He rubbed the back of his head, "I-I-I'm so sorry! I-I saw the tinsel a-a-and heard it rustling, a-and the dumb cat part of my brain kind of just... took over from there..."

She just grinned and began to laugh. "It's okay! I-I-I was so adorable! You should have seen yourself...I couldn't stop laughing!"

He looked down, still feeling incredibly embarrassed to have lost control in front of her like that. She smiled and crouched downs taking his paw. "Awww, don't be embarrassed. It wasn't your fault. You're a cat, you couldn't help yourself, just like me and my shapeshifting! It happens to the best of us, and it doesn't matter what embarrassing things you do, you'll still always be my adorable little kitten."

She kissed him on the nose as she rubbed his head between the ears. As she did a big goofy smile formed on his face as he let out a purr.

What he'd done may have been embarrassing, but at least Penny got a good laugh out of it, and as long as she was happy, he was too.

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