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On the way to lunch, Beomgyu bumps into Taehyun again.

"Oww.. that was harder than last time!" Beomgyu rubbed the pain away from both of his palms.

"I'm so sorry again, Beomie hyung!" Taehyun lifts the other off the ground.

"Wow, you guys must be fated to be bumping into each other for the second time today." Jeongin chuckles.

"I don't know about that." Beomgyu raised a brow. "I wouldn't want to keep bumping into him and hurting myself multiple times."

"Yeah. That makes me feel bad for hurting my new friend." Taehyun frowned.

"Don't worry about that." Seungmin pats Taehyun's back. "Anyways we're last to lunch now."

"Noooo! The line! It's gonna be so long now.." Beomgyu whines. He runs to the lunch line.

Jeongin, Seungmin, and Taehyun laugh as they watch him leave. "Alright, I'll see you guys later if you're with Gyu. Bye!" Taehyun then walks off.

"Bye!" The two say and walk to where Beomgyu is. Yes, they cut the line to get next to him.

"You're so lucky the lunch line is going fast right now, otherwise you wouldn't be able to
eat and have to starve more." Jeongin sighed.

"Hey! It was worth it staying to talk with Taehyunie!" Beomgyu defends.

"Yeah yeah, we know." Seungmin pats his head. "Woah, your hair is so fluffy."

"I know." Beomgyu proudly said.

It was finally their turn in line. Today's lunch menu was burgers or pizza.

Burger to Beomgyu. Pizza to the other two.

They go to sit at Beomgyu and Jeongin's usual spot whenever they had lunch last year. Surprisingly no one sat there before them.

"Finally! Food!" Beomgyu then gobbled that burger up real fast.

Just on time for the bell to ring.

"Damn, Beom. You swallowed that thing whole." A boy from their homeroom next to them said.

"Yeah, I was starvingg!" Beomgyu giggles.

"Alrighty let's go back." Seungmin lead the way back to their homeroom.

"Aw wait, I don't have anything to do anymore.." Beomgyu frowned as he stared at his finished nametag.

"Don't worry Beomgyu, I have an extra thing for you to do. Can you take these markers down to Mr. Min?"

"Mr. Min.. my old homeroom teacher!" Beomgyu then gets up quickly and grabs the markers. "Thank you, Ms. Kim!"

"Aha, good to know you're happy to help, Beomgyu."

Beomgyu nods and heads out the door. He happily walks down the hall as he can't wait to see his old homeroom teacher, AND Taehyun.

Knocking on the door twice, the door opens with Taehyun being the one to open it.

"Beomie Hyung?"

"Hi, Taehyunie." Beomgyu smiles. "Mr. Min?"

"Ah, Beomgyu! Long time no see! Those markers for me?"

"Yeah! Ms. Kim told me to give these to you." Beomgyu hands the markers to him. "Is it alright if I stay for a bit? I don't have anything to do in my class anymore."

"Yeah, sure. We're in the middle of designing name tags. Go on ahead and play with the piano if you want."

"Thanks, Sir Yoongi!" Mr. Min smiles upon hearing that nickname for the first time in months.

Beomgyu then proceeds to bang on the piano before playing a pretty melody that he slowly faded into. It is the only song he knows how to play on piano. After all, he made it.

(Sweet dreams txt piano instrumental)

Taehyun sat at his desk with his mouth agape. Beomgyu's beautiful piano playing was mesmerizing. He even looked so ethereal.

In fact, everyone in the room was so mesmerized by his song that the room was silent and only Beomgyu's playing could be heard. Everyone literally dropped their pens and pencils when the piano first started.

When he stopped playing a bunch of claps could be heard by everyone in the room. But the only person Beomgyu looked at was Taehyun, a big smile on his face knowing the other liked it.

"Did you like it?" Beomgyu asked as he walked over to Taehyun. He crouched down beside him as well since he wanted to be closer to him.

"Like it? That was incredible! I loved it!" Taehyun said, still looking at Beomgyu with mesmerization.

Beomgyu chuckles and ruffled Taehyun's hair. "One day, we should play together."

Taehyun nods rapidly. "I don't know how to play any instrument, but I could sing!"

"Ok! I don't know how to play anything either to be honest. I'm learning guitar on youtube though and that song, I created with Mr. Min. last year." Beomgyu explained.

"Ooh, that's cool. Also, you should get going. Next hour starts in a bit."

"Alright, then I'll go. Mr. Min, i'll be leaving now."

"Ok, take care, Gyu." Mr. Min waves.

"Bye!" Beomgyu then heads back to class to obtain his bag. "Hi guyss, I'm back~"

"Beomie! What took you so long?" Jeongin questions him, getting all up in his face.

"Oh, heh, I played the piano for the entire class." He replies.

"Piano? I'd love to hear that from you some day." Ms. Kim says.

"Ok! I could play for all of you too! You just have to ask Mr. Min if he'd allow that."

"Yeah, of course. We could do a room swap." Ms. Kim states. "I think I've done that before once."

"Oooh! Ok! I'm so excited to hear Beomgyu play!" A girl says.

Beomgyu shyly looks their way as he didn't realize someone he didn't know was so excited to hear him play the piano.

The bell then rings. Next hour is cooking class. Now lucky for him, Taehyun is also in this hour!

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