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A huge amount of time has passed. It's been months. We skipped Christmas because why should I write about Christmas when something more interesting comes to mind?

Valentine's day is just around the corner. Sookyu is taking this chance to admit everything to Seungmin and probably get everyone to hate him afterwards.

Coming clean is the right choice, whatever the outcome may be.

"Beomgyu, I need to speak with you." Sookyu said, nudging his brother on the arm before walking to his room.

Beomgyu slightly tilts his head in confusion before following his older brother out of his room and to the other's room.

"Ok.. so.. I am in love with Seungmin." He said, not looking once at his bro.

"I know." Beomgyu stated plainly.

"You do?" He looks up, confused.

"Yeah. I also know you were his secret admirer back in middle school."

"What? How? You didn't even know me??" Sookyu was so confused and concerned.

"Uhm, evidence all points to you! When I was playing lead detective in middle, trying to figure out who was the secret admirer, at first I couldn't get a single clue. That was until I met you!"

"I don't get it-"

Beomgyu rolled his eyes and sighs. "Here, let me explain."

-cool time leap-

"Seungmin Hyung, do you have a class photo of the people in your grade?" 12 year old Beomgyu asked, scrolling through his notes of all the details of this secret admirer's letters.

•Every letter ends with -SK
•All written in lowercase
•Neat handwriting
•Colorful paper
•Terrible grammar
•Definitely in love with Seungie

"Yeah I do, but what for?" Seungmin asked.

"Your secret admirer, duhh!" Beomgyu sat up and rolled his eyes. "Unbelievable."

"Shut up.."

Seungmin took out his yearbook and showed it to Beomgyu. "Not this one. The year it all started."

"Yeah ok, here." He gave him his yearbook when Seungmin was in 7th grade.

Beomgyu then flipped through pages for Seungmin's old advisory class. "Perfect." He said once finding it.

He then went through every name in that class before smiling to himself. "Bingo."

"You found the admirer already?" Seungmin questioned, peaking at his yearbook.

There, Beomgyu was pointing at a boy with just the same amount of features as he did. "He's literally the only one with an S in his name besides you. Scary how alike he looks compared to me- wait he even is named Choi!"

"Ehh? That your doppelgänger?" Seungmin jokes, snickering a bit.

"Wait.. could he be..?"

"Whatever you're thinking you are wrong."

"Yeah, you're probably right!" Beomgyu laughs. "Well I found your admirer. What's the pay?"

"Excuse me? Pay? Ain't no way."

"That rhymes!"

"Oh shush!"


"Big brother?" Thanksgiving Beomgyu asked. 'Wait, he looks like someone.. oh no..'

"It's me, Beom-ah." Sookyu's arms out for a hug.

'Oh god.. what should I do? I'm so happy to see him but.. he.. stalking mother fuc-'

"Big brother!!" He ran and gave him that hug anyways.


"Yeah so.. turns out my brother was your secret admirer and stalker."

"Yeah, I know." Seungmin replied.

"You do?" Beomgyu furrowed his eyesbrows.

"Literally, I remember everyone from my years in elementary through high school. You think I wouldn't remember him? Plus, he was touching me during Tangled."

"NOOO!! NOT TANGLED!" Beomgyu dramatically cries.

-back to the present-

"Oh- wow ok. Impressive." Sookyu states. "But so not impressive for completing avoiding the idea of me being your brother."

"I mean, I thought you were dead." Beomgyu shrugged.

"Wait but, that means you already told Seungmin? And he isn't like.. mad or anything?"

"Nope! Which is kinda surprising since he once said he'd kill his admirer for privacy invasion."

"I'm.. not even upset.." Sookyu looked away.

"Of course you are. You wanted to do the confessing, but nooo you're a chicken."

"I want to make things right.." he sighs.

"Don't worry! Gyu will help ya!" Beomgyu giggles. "Oooo I'm calling myself Gyu from now on. It rolls off the tongue wayyy much better than Beomie."

"Don't change the subject Beom-ah." Sookyu face palmed himself.

"Ok, ok! Gyu is on the case!" He then took out Sookyu's phone and called Seungmin.

"No! No! Not like that!!" Sookyu started panicking.

"Hello? Sookyu?"

"Ah! H-Hi, Seungmin.." Sookyu greets, nervous.

"You doing ok buddy? You sound off." Seungmin sounded his usual self though.

"Y-Yeah! Uhm.. there's something I'd like to confess.."

"If it's about you stalking me, I know." Seungmin stated bluntly. "And if it's to apologize, I forgive you."

"You do?"

"Course I do, how could I hate Beomgyu's brother? If that's all then I gotta go. I'm on a date with Jeongin." Says Seungmin even though he knows the person he's calling literally has a massive crush on him.

Sookyu sighed as he ends the call. Meanwhile, Beomgyu is just at his side having the time of his life laughing his ass off.

"Oof. Should pick someone else to like." Beomgyu scrunched his nose.

"Yeah, I should.." Sookyu replied. 'But how could I..? When I love him too much..'

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