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(Woke up at 3am cuz of a dream Taegyu were in a kdrama together.)

"The perfect date spot!" Beomgyu exclaimed, showing them a closed shop.

Taehyun raised a brow at him, looking from the shop to Beomgyu's goofy face.

"Beomie Hyung, the place is closed." He stated the obvious.

Beomgyu rolled his eyes. "Follow me." He took his hand and entered the shop.

"What are you doing?! Hyung- this is breaking in!"

"It isn't if it's already open." He rolled his eyes.

Taehyun just sighed and followed him into the back. Taehyun's eyes gleamed from the sight of what's in front of him.

There was a set table with rose petals scattered everywhere. Beomgyu smiled cheekily as he knew Taehyun loved his surprise.

He asked his step dad to borrow the shop for the night. This shop they were in was owned by him. A flower shop. Meaning the entire back was also covered in flowers. The only light being a candle in the middle of the table.

Beomgyu had set up the table with cute photo cards around the candle. They were pictures of both Taehyun and Beomgyu the multiple times they hung out together. Of course, to not accidentally catch it on fire or something, the candle had barriers that kept them from knocking down.

There was also a painting on the wall. A work of art made by Beomgyu himself. Just for Taehyun. A picture of something beautiful, as it was made from his emotions of love for him.

But from the looks of it, the colors were all a shade of pink and purple. The sky was completely pink and the bottom was purple. The clouds were white with a hint of pink. A single tree with two boys on a branch sat in the middle of the painting, The tree was all sorts of different shades of purple. But the cool part was that the tree looked as if it was floating in the cool purple sky, yet it was not as leaves were below the tree's ground.

Taehyun smiled at him. "Will you be my boyfriend, hyung?" He asks.

"Duh, I'm out on this date with you, aren't I?"

"Yes, but I have to ask you professionally. You have to answer properly too!" He huffs.

"Fine fine. yEs, I wiLL bE yOur bOyfRieNd! Now watch me dramatically fall because the most handsomest guy just ask me out." Beomgyu pretends to faint in his arms.

Taehyun rolls his eyes at his dramatic boyfriend. "I love you."

"I love you too, Hyunnie." Beomgyu smiled up at him, sincerity in his eyes.

They stayed silent, just watching each other's face creepily. But it wasn't so creepy to them. To them, it was love.

At some point they had to up and leave though, since it was still midnight and they had to go to bed before school starts again. That's why the two left the flower shop, candle out and everything. He made sure he cleaned the place so it was set correctly for his step dad.

They stayed at Taehyun's house that night. The painting that Beomgyu made now hangs up on his bedroom wall.

"Sweet dreams, my love."

"Ugh, no. That's too cringy. Call me Beomie again.." Beomgyu frowns, hugging Taehyun's neck tighter so he could push himself closer.

"Aha, ok Hyungie. Goodnight and sweet dreams, Beomie." Taehyun giggles.

"Goodnight Taehyunie~~! Mwah~" Beomgyu gave him a forehead kiss.

Taehyun gave him a kiss on the cheek in return. "Thank you for not having me wait til we're in tenth grade." He said, his eyes slowly closing.

"Of course, though I kinda forgot about that.." he laughs slowly. "Though, you didn't kiss me."

"I did." Taehyun pretends to think.

"I meant on the lips." Beomgyu points.

"What, you want me to do it now or something?" He smirks.

"Mm.. let's wait a bit longer." Beomgyu grins, rubbing his cheek against Taehyun's. "For a special occasion."

"Hmm, is right now not a special occasion?" Taehyun asks. Beomgyu shakes his head.

"Sometime in the future, I will show you when is special. After all, I want my first kiss to be perfect." Beomgyu chuckles.

Taehyun looks at him admirably. "Anything you want." He then hugs him closer. "I will make your first, everything."

"Heh, I know. You always do." Beomgyu leans in for another forehead kiss. "And you deserve the world."

"Oh hyung, I'm so glad I met you." Taehyun fakes a cry.

"Hyunnie~ Don't cry~" Beomgyu played along. "If my Taehyunie cries, Beomie will cry~" he also faked a sob.

They giggle the night away until they both fall fast asleep with them holding onto each other tightly, never letting go.

They giggle the night away until they both fall fast asleep with them holding onto each other tightly, never letting go

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