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"Aight, that's the basics of art. Don't come again next time!" Mr. Seo says, shooing everyone out of the art studio because he really hates his life.

Taehyun and Beomgyu just laugh quietly as they walked out of the classroom. Once again, they had to part ways as Beomgyu had Science in the 8th grade hall as Taehyun had the same class but in the 7th grade hall.


"Woo! School's out!" Beomgyu exclaimed, running out to the gates.

Jeongin came running after him. "Let's hangout!!" He yelled.

Taehyun was already by the gates, leaning against a wall. Seungmin was beside him. They both turned their heads when they heard Jeongin's high pitched dolphin scream in confusion.

"Jeongin, what the heck?" Seungmin questions him.

"Yeah, he has this earape scream when he's excited." Beomgyu explained, giving them the look that he's been through this many times already.

"Mm, anyways. You said hangout?" Taehyun asked, looking at Jeongin.

"Mhm! Let's all go to the movies~" he said, showing them 4 tickets to the movies.

"Where on earth did you get these.." Beomgyu raised a brow at him.

"So you know how you three had a class without me? I was doing drama class! They gave us free movie tickets~" he giggles.

"Ooh! Which movie?" Seungmin asked, looking over at the tickets.

"Any movie that's out right now." Jeongin answered. "Now come on! We gotta go because they expire tomorrow!"

"Man, I wonder what would happen to those who can't go today and won't get to have free tickets since they expire." Beomgyu states.

"I know right." Taehyun then followed Jeongin who was already a few blocks ahead of them from running.

At the movies, Taehyun was freaking out since the tickets were only for horror movies. They figured that out the moment they scanned their tickets to look for a movie to watch.

And we all know how Taehyun can't handle them well.

"Why didn't you say it was any horror movie that was out right now?!" Taehyun exclaimed, internally panicking.

"Well, I thought you would've guessed when I said I was in drama?" Jeongin shrugged.

"Yeah, I didn't guess that so how would any of us?" Seungmin questions.

"You scammed me." Taehyun glared.

Beomgyu sighs. "Hey, if it's too scary for you we can leave early or watch a different one, yeah?"

"But I wanna watch with everyone else.." Taehyun took a peak at all the horror films, already scared by the cover. He pouts.

Beomgyu thought for a while. "How about I let you hold my hand or hide behind me?"

"Really? You'd do that for me?"

"Yeah!" Beomgyu smiled. Taehyun nods slowly, showing his own smile.

"Alright.. but if I get nightmares I'm haunting all of you in your sleep."

"Alright, alright! Come on! I can't wait to watch this new horror film!!" Jeongin ran inside the theaters.

Beomgyu went to go grab some popcorn and drinks for everyone. He starts by just getting coke for everyone. Taehyun was next to him.

"Instead of coke, can I have a sprite?"

"Yeah, sure. Do you not like coke?"

Taehyun shakes his head. "Nope. I don't really know why either."

Beomgyu nods and pours sprite into another cup. "Here, can you hold these while I get popcorn?"

"Ok!" Taehyun then held onto the drinks as Beomgyu went to scoop some popcorn. He then payed for everything at the counter.

"Thank you, have a nice day!" The register woman says.

Beomgyu and Taehyun take their leave. They enter the theater room and find Jeongin and Seungmin at the top. "Seriously, they didn't even save us seats." Taehyun scoffed.

"It's fine, let's just give them their drinks and find any empty seats." Beomgyu gave the drinks to the two and a bag of popcorn each.

He and Taehyun then found two empty seats in the very middle of the theater.

"Ok.. it's starting. You sure you wanna watch this? We can still find something else to watch."

"I'm sure.."

"Alright.." Beomgyu held Taehyun's hand tightly.

The movie ended. Taehyun was stiffly walking behind Beomgyu, holding onto his sleeve.

The occurrences that happened earlier made Beomgyu smile a bit. Every time something scary looking came, he could hear Taehyun squeal. His face was attached to his arm the entire time.

It was kinda cute.

But now it was time to go home. Jeongin and Seungmin went one direction while Taehyun and Beomgyu went another direction.

They were talking about the horror movie until Taehyun decided to change the topic.

"You know, I wish we were in the same grade, maybe then we'd even have our main classes together." Taehyun said.

"That's alright. At least we have all four of our extra courses the same." Beomgyu states happily.

"If only I could move up a grade.." Taehyun sighs.

Beomgyu furrowed his brows. "I feel you are already very attached to me."

"Is that a bad thing?" Taehyun pouts.

"Well it depends. If we stopped being friends like.. I don't know, tomorrow? Yeah that would be a bad thing." Beomgyu thinks out loud.

"The sound of that makes me sad.."

"But you wouldn't have to worry about that because I'm not the type of person to leave someone! It's always the other person leaving me, aha!" Beomgyu chuckles.

"Oh! Me too! Guess we'll stay friends forever then?"



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