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"Eww, you got Mint choco??" Beomgyu scrunched his nose at the sight of Seungmin getting Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream.

"Ehh? What's wrong with that?" Seungmin frowned, taking a lick of his ice cream cone.

"Everything! It's the worst flavor." Taehyun adds.

"Mint chocolate is fine. I can eat it fine." Jeongin states, him holding a rectangular, vanilla, frozen chocolate, covered popsicle stick.

"I cannot even try." Beomgyu shivered at the thought. "I'll stick to my vanilla." He had a bowl.

"Me too." Taehyun said, holding a cherry cone.

The 4 silently ate their ice cream. When finished, they decided to go on another ride.

"Let's ride the roller coaster!!" Beomgyu exclaimed, pointing at the tallest roller coaster ride in the park.

"Hell yeah!!" Jeongin and Seungmin shouted at the same time.

"Hell no?" Taehyun said, Beomgyu hearing him.

"Why not Hyunnie? Too scary?" Beomgyu asked.

"Mhm.. too scary.." Taehyun pouts.

Beomgyu giggles. "Then wait for us here, ok?" He held his arm and rubbed it gently.

Taehyun nods. "B-Be careful! Don't fall off.."

"Taehyun-ah, don't worry. We won't fall off, there are safety bars." Beomgyu pats his head. "I'll be safe."

"Ok.." Taehyun replied, a bit at ease once Beomgyu said that.

The 3 get on the roller coaster as Taehyun stayed at the bottom to watch.

He was already feeling woozy when he watched the ride slowly go up. Even though he wasn't on it, the ride itself made him feel scared, he just had to look away.

"Up, up, up! Here we go!" Beomgyu smiles as he said that.

A sudden click was heard and the ride stopped, making Seungmin, Beomgyu, and Jeongin look to where it was coming from.

They could see a cloud of black fog wrap it's way around the wheels of the coaster.

Beomgyu panics. "Oh no, not you again!" He exclaimed, trying to shoo it away. This thing caused so much trouble.

"W-What is that thing?!" Jeongin squealed.

The ride started to tip over, making them all yell in fear.

Taehyun heard the yelling but not the ride falling down, so he turned his head back towards the ride. His eyes widened at the sight of his friends dangling from the rails.

"Beomgyu!!" He shouts, worried for the person he likes. "I-I- I'm getting help!" He yells, running away.

Beomgyu and the others were too scared to hear Taehyun.

"This.. is the end isn't it?" Beomgyu said to himself. Oh boy, if Taehyun doesn't hurry up.

Taehyun came back though just seconds later with an officer and a dude with a big crane.

The crane lifted the coaster back on it's tracks. But the 3 boys were so terrified to continue the ride any longer.

"T-Taehyun!!" Beomgyu called, latching himself onto Taehyun, trembling. He was on the verge of crying.

Seungmin and Jeongin were also so scared they also hugged Taehyun tightly.

"You guys are ok now.. don't worry.. I got you.." Taehyun whispered. He was also so very scared for them.

Beomgyu then screamed at the top of his lungs. "YOU FUCKING BITCH!! STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM US!!!" His face was red from anger and he kept looking at the sky, confusing Taehyun. He didn't see the black smoke.

"Beomie, what's wrong?" Taehyun frowned.

"The black smoke thing was back.. and it made us tip over." Beomgyu explained calmly. Obviously because it was Taehyun asking.

"Yeah! And that thing was oddly pretty.. but scary!" Jeongin shouts.

"I never wanna go on another roller coaster ever again.." Seungmin said with wide eyes, most likely traumatized.

"Me either.." Jeongin frowned.

"Same here!" Beomgyu exclaimed. "Actually, I probably would end up going on one anyways." He shrugged.

They laugh, even after the traumatic experience. "Come on, I wanna ride the bumper cars next." Taehyun said, guiding the group to the cars that bump into each other.

Taehyun and Beomgyu sat in one car as Seungmin and Jeongin sat in another.

Since the park was so empty, they just bumped into each other back and fourth until it got boring.

"Man, that was so lame." Jeongin frowned.

"Yeah, maybe it wasn't such a good idea." Taehyun sighs.

"Hm, well in that case, we still have one more important ride to go on." Seungmin said, looking up at the tallest ride in this park.

The colorful lights made the sky even prettier than it was already. They were standing right in front of the giant wheel, making them smile since they realized they were already there.

Hand in hand, the two pairs walk together towards the ferris wheel.

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