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Time skip to a year later. The boys are in their junior year. School just about started and they couldn't wait to finally get their hands on their yummy special drinks.

Oddly, no one has actually touched that vending machine besides the four. It really is their special drinks.

"Taehyun-ah. Here!" Beomgyu said, giving Taehyun a strawberry milk. Taehyun kindly accepts it.

"Thanks, Beomie hyung." He smiled sweetly at him.

"Taehyunie, I thought of something cool just now!" He exclaimed like he just had a eureka moment, his eyes dazzling.

"Oh? What is it?" Taehyun asked.

"When I was staring at you, my love for you just got higher.. so I created a love meter for you!" Beomgyu exclaimed all giddily.

Taehyun gave him an adoring smile. "Aww, you thought of that while staring at me? How not so creepy of you."

"Taehyun! You ruined the moment." Beomgyu pouts, turning away.

Taehyun chuckles and ruffled his hair. "Sorry Beomie, you're just too cute not to tease." He cooed.

Beomgyu makes some sort of smile like this: >v<

Seungmin suddenly popped up from behind. "Seungmin in the building~!" He called out. Yep, just Seungmin being his normal self.

Jeongin came up behind him as well. "Gotchu the milk of life~" he said, holding out the chocolate milk in front of Seungmin's face, basically back hugging him.

Seungmin smiled. "Aww~ why thank you." He takes the milk.

Beomgyu and Taehyun smiled at them. "My love meter for you both have gone up to one percent." He pointed up at the two boys.

"One??" They questioned quickly.

"Mhm! I just created a love meter, so it starts from zero and up to one hundred!" He exclaimed.

"Oh? What's my love meter at?" Taehyun questioned.

"Mm.. one thousand percent!" He giggles.

Seungmin smiles. "Oh really, then I must get it higher!"

"Yeah! Me too!" Jeongin posed like a warrior in battle.

"Goodluck Seungie, because Innie's already at two percent!" He snickers, loving that pose of his.

The two glare at each other competitively. It is now the hunt to be higher on Beomgyu's love meter!

Too bad they can't compare to Taehyun.

Beomgyu hugged Taehyun's side tightly. "I will love you forever and ever!" He said all of a sudden.

Taehyun hugged him back. "And I shall do the same to you, my Beomie bear." He chuckles.

They then get up and go to their class, which Beomgyu asked the principal to be in the same classes again.

Though, Seungmin and Jeongin weren't as close to them as before. They don't hangout as often as they used to. Now it's just them doing their own couple things separately.

But at school, they're still the same as always. Hanging out at lunch, in all their classes, and at the very end of school together everyday.

And Sookyu, he moved out of Beomgyu's house and got his own apartment. Won't be seeing him for a long, long time.

But of course, I time skip when it comes to school because it's boring.

"Beomie, let's visit the zoo today." Taehyun suggests.

"Yeah, ok!" They walk off hand in hand. "I say we look at the pandas first." Beomgyu said.

"Of course." They make their way to the zoo, somewhere they go a lot. Because of this, they've grown immune to the smell of animal shit.

"Here." Taehyun hands the gatekeeper dude their monthly zoo pass.

"You two are good to go."

They strut in like they own the place and head over to the cute pandas because that is what Beomie wants.

"Another picture?" Taehyun questions.

"Yeah! I must always take a picture of these cuties~" Beomgyu stated cheerfully.

(If i die before this story finishes its cause my mother is driving like a maniac.)

Taehyun just rolled his eyes with a smile, shaking his head. He sneakily takes a picture of Beomgyu instead, like all the other times they've came to the zoo for the pandas.

"Aha! I caught you this time!" Beomgyu exclaimed finally catching the moment Taehyun took his picture.

Even though Taehyun was sneaky about it, he still ended up showing Beomgyu all those pictures he took in the past. It became Beomgyu's goal to catch Taehyun in the act.

"Hehe, yes you did. Nice job." He smiled cheekily.

After the panda visit, they left the zoo right after.

"Thanks for coming!" Gatekeeper dude said.

Beomgyu and Taehyun wave at him before making their way to Taehyun's house, ready to cuddle each other to sleep.

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